Monday, December 29, 2008

Touch Gaza Conflict and You Shall Own It

This is a message that most of the moderate world population is sending to their leaders, but the Islam extremists want their leaders to get involved and help Hamas. Hamas won Palestinian election in 2006 by promising Palestinians a prosperous and safe life, but ever since their victory all they’ve brought to these people is misery and suffering. Every time Palestinians complain about their miserable lives, Hamas fires a few rockets at Israel and demands Muslims support.

Now that Israel has finally gotten tired of the Hamas rocket firing and is now fighting back, Hamas is calling on other countries to make Israel stop the air raids. The blame for this carnage is squarely set on Hamas. Israel has every right to protect their people. Palestinians have to learn that Hamas, just like Hezbollah, is nothing but a group of extremists that are being financed by the Unelected Mullahs in Iran.
I would like to ask the Palestinians one question:
How many Iranians do you know that have participated in Suicide bombings? I don't know of any. Iranians are not stupid enough to blow themselves up for Islam. They use their money to get Hamas and Al-Qaeda to recruit your children to blow themselves up in the name of Islam. Why do you think for the last week or so, Hamas has thrown rockets at Israel? Why do you think Hamas is looking for a fight with Israel?
Look inside Iran for your answers. Iran is going through preparations for their next election in 2009. The extremists have a weak candidate, Ahmadinejad. They can't get rid of him (believe me, they’ve tried) so they have to create another "Jews against Islam" war to muddy the water and thus, steal the election. This is where you and your kids come into the picture. You don't hold any value to these "Men of God" except a death Headline against Jews. So go ahead, send your kids to blow themselves up so we can see their headless bodies on YouTube for 30 seconds. That is all you are good for as far as these Unelected Mullahs are concern. Is that what you dreamed for your baby when you brought him or her into this world?


Black Chador said...

Answer to Anna on her remark about my comment on Pasian Paradox.

Hey Anna,

You made this remark:

"you WOULD say this "Black Chador", it's not surprising that you would!!!!'

First of all what would give you the inside information that I would say that?
Second, why don't you find out what "Your Obama" says about this Gaza situation? His opinion is just like mine.
To make it clear to you and others, before 2006 I was all for helping Palestinians but when they voted for an Extreme group such as Hamas, then I figured they love their lives they way it is. I figured they rather kill Israelis than live a peaceful life by coexisting with Israel. You may want to find out what Hamas "Mission Statement" is before you "The Reformist" cast your vote for Hamas. But again you may share their “Mission Statement” and want the state of Israel and all the Jews wipe of the face of the world. If so please let us know or your plans of how you would accomplish that goal.
Anna, since I am not interviewing for a job with IRI I can look at this situation with open mind.

Anna said...

Dear Holly,
Hi! How are you? :-)
Look my friend, I think we certainly emailed each other and exchanged our views enough (especially before November 4th) to know exactly where each of us stands with respect to her political views!
I have never hid the fact that I am a PROUD LIBERAL Canadian, loyal to my Queen Elizabeth according to the oath I took, but by the privilege and RIGHT of "Freedom of Opinion" that I am ensured to have in my Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, I am free to be a vocal Liberal who is opposed to neo-conservatism!

Of course I deplore extremism, terrorism, radicalism and fundamentalism, which by definition, makes me opposed to any terrorist group in the world, from al-Qaeda to Hamas!!!! but at the same time I am a HUMAN BEING who cares about innocent people and I was just reminding you of them in my comment there, that's all!!!
I'm sorry if I made it sound like I think you don't care, I'm sure you do, and are far more aware of the realities on the ground there than I am, because you have the "intelligence" and I don't, but then again, thank God for your "intelligence" b/c the rest of us only see what's being reflected in the news, nothing more!

I am certainly NOT applying for any job with IRI, as I said in my emails, I hope Iran can one day get FREE and SAFE enough that I can go back for a visit, maybe organize a nice memorial service for my uncle the way that I think he deserved but has not gotten yet over there, and maybe if they let me organize a cultural event for Baran like that "Hafez, Goethe, Iqbal" conference, then it might qualify me for getting a letter of recommendation or two from people like Dr. Zarif b/c my ultimate goal is to apply to Princeton's Windrow Wilson school or Harvard's Kennedy School for a Masters in Public Administration (after I'm done with my engineering PhD here), b/c I love to get a job that has to do with public policy, either in my beloved Canada or in your wonderful country (where the man I have loved for more than 6 years lives and I eventually want to be with him)!!!
Is there anything wrong with any of this???

Anna said...

one more thing, ...
where do you think my loyalties lie??? you know how ecstatic I was on November 4th!!! you know how much I anticipated that day!!! you know how much I love President Obama!!!! you think if he comes out and even says it's time to bomb Iran, that I would stop believing in him??? If he decides Iran can't be saved without use of force, then I'm sure that's what's needed!!!

I will never believe any Reformist in Iran over my beloved Obama! I'm a TRUE liberal, not a Reformist!!! I said goodbye to Iran 21 years ago!!!! I wrote so many risky things on Persian Paradox that I can't even dare to go to Iran for my cousin's wedding this year, out of fear of being accused of being anti-revolution and thrown into jail!!!! didn't I risk my own dream of a conference about my uncle by saying such controversial things against the status quo there??? now I have to ask my cousins to try and realize my dream there (about that conference) b/c now I'm soooooooo scared of going to Iran as long as FREEDOM of speech and opinion is not guaranteed there!!!!

I risked my own safety, I deprived myself of the ability to go to Iran for a simple visit, and you ask me where my loyalties lie????? I am a PROUD LIBERAL Canadian and I say it again!!! I love TRUE Liberals among the Democrats in America and Obama is one of them!!! I love Jimmy Carter and the Kennedy clan and Joe Biden and Barack Obama b/c they are truly LIBERAL, they are REAL Democrats, not centrists, I believe in them and whatever they decide is necessary, I am behind them!!!! but I also love Iran and don't want the actions of a bunch of extremists cause my beloved fatherland to LOSE its sovereignty and independence!!!!

I don't want to see another 1953 or another Pahlavi dynasty there, I don't want to see any idiot MKO leader to push America to go to war with Iran the way Ahmad Chalabi did for Iraq (of course I don't know much about that, I don't have your intelligence, so this is just an ordinary citizen's view of what happened in 2003 after watching a few Frontline or Passionate Eye or Fifth Estate programs on CBC or PBS)!!!! ... so all I was trying to do with my comments was WARN the RATIONAL ones among them about what could happen if they don't CHANGE their behavior, I believe this is the stated goal of USA too, no??? "change of behavior" and not "regime change", right?

anyway, I'm absolutely DONE with Persian Paradox, I'm done with Iranian NEWS altogether, b/c I keep saying I'm done and then read something and get the urge to write something about it!!! I'm really done, especially that I have an exam in 3 weeks!!!

please, do not misunderstand me, I am just too emotional sometimes and when I first watched the horrors of Gaza I got emotional about it (you know? "bani-aadam a'zaaye yekdigarand"), but now that I see Obama silent about it, I realize it must be for a good cause, perhaps "The End Justifies the Means" here! whatever Obama says, I trust him!

it's about ideology and not the land! you know? I'm a LIBERAL Citizen of the World, i decided it wasn't about Iran when I left 21 years ago!!! the same uncle who was so disappointed in me for being happy about taking an oath of loyalty to the Queen, was the person who when I went to him at the age of 17 asking him what he though of me leaving my country, said:

the human brain is like a goldsmith's balance "taraazooye zargari", if you put too many big rocks on it rather than fine jewels, it will lose its balance, and living in this Iran today (1987) you are exposing your brain to those big rocks, you should go b/c "Vatan kaz bahr-e Hagh jooyee che jaa-bolghaa, che jaa-bolssaa, sokhan kaz bahre Jaan gooyee che Ebrani che Soryaani"

that's why I left Iran, that's why I tried to totally immigrate into my beloved new country as a true Canadian b/c it was going to be my HOMELAND "Vatan", not just a temporary place like most expats feel!!!!

so, as I said, being a LIBERAL defines me much more than anything else!!!! and my opposition to warmongering is due to my ideology (as a LIBERAL) and not due to where I come from!!!! for example, if Bush and Cheney had decided to attack Iran, I may have been one of the millions of expats who said we would go and defend the fatherland, but if Obama decides to attack, I'll know it's for a JUST cause b/c he is a TRUE LIBERAL, and I'll just sit where I am and pray that it won't be too damaging for those ancient sites and ancient trees, that's all! I won't feel the need to go and defend a land that is occupied by extremists! but of course what I HOPE is that it won't have to get to that! the Reformists (most of them at least) are not extremists and they can defend the fatherland's sovereignty and independence without harming America's national interests!

Long Live PEACE!
Long Live SOVEREIGNTY and INDEPENDENCE for ALL countries in the world!
Down with Fundamentalism!

Anna said...

just leave me a comment here, so I'm not soooooo worried about you having misunderstood me "khodaay nakardeh"!!! :-)

my comment there to you saying "you WOULD say this" wasn't meant to assume anything bad about you, but it goes back to your "stated" mission as Black Chador in your first post, saying you want extremist Ahmadinejad types to win in Iran's elections so that people in Iran will rise, and I said "you WOULD say that" b/c I saw this Gaza conflict bolstering the Ahmadinejad camp in Iran and giving his awful, extremist, fundamentalist supporters a platform to represent themselves as the righteous ones!!!!

I said "you WOULD say this" b/c I saw a pro-Israel stance on this conflict as helping the likes of Ahmadinejad in Iran's elections next June, i.e., Black Chador's mission!!! ...

but sorry, I won't say anything anymore, I just wanted to remind Ebtekar of what's more important, bleeding hearts for Hamas and getting behind the likes of Ahmadinejad? or bleeding hearts for innocent Palestinians AND Israelis and repeating the same things people like my HERO Dr. Ebrahim Yazdi say about this conflict!

and that's just b/c she was sounding toooooo upset in her first post (just as I was too upset as well), but you know? it comes from "bani-aadam a'zaaye yekdigarand", what can we do? we've read too much Sa'di and Hafez in our lives!!!

are we good my friend?! ;-)

Black Chador said...

"bani-aadam a'zaaye yekdigarand"?
Are Israeli children also aadam?
I really don't care what Obama says or does, he is another politician (maybe one with a heart). I get my information through reading and researching and studying. I don't form opinion based on what Obama thinks or does.
I feel very sorry for Palestinians especially for women and children. At the same time I feel sorry for Jewish kids going to school in Gaza border towns under "Hamas Rolette" game.
Yes, I want Ahmadinejad to win because Iranian people still not ready to forgo their Chelo Kabab for their freedom. They are more worried about the high price of Berenjeh domsiah than their personal freedoms. I wish one day soon they won’t find “bread” to eat and maybe then we can hope for an uprising. Hopefully they won’t be asking for “Cake” from their mullahs.
As for Hamas and Hezbollah I want them destroyed ASAP and I don’t care if it is done by Israel or US. Their being adds more power to these unelected mullahs powers and that is unaccepted by normal people like us.
No Anna, I don’t think your loyalty lays with Hamas but I think you are taking this being a Liberal a little too literally. I also consider myself a Liberal and hate wars. However sometimes the other side will force your hands and you will not have any other choice than go to war. I also believe in Capital punishment and collect guns as a hobby. So, just because I am a Liberal doesn’t mean I have to agree to all their (Liberals) agendas.

Anna said...

I agree with capital punishment too! good, we have this in common! ;-)

and let me just say this too:

I don't "base my opinions on what Obama says"!!!!! I'm just saying I trust a man like Obama to be decent and conscientious enough to have actually exhausted ALL other options when he decides military action should be taken, whereas Cheney or Rumsfeld obviously didn't!
so, if Obama says a war is justified I tend to believe him as I believed my own dear Prime Minister, Jean Chretien for the war on Taliban in Afghanistan, and I also applauded him (Jean Chretien) for NOT agreeing to go to Iraq, b/c he knew better!!!
I mean, Obama having access to far more reports and records and Intelligence briefings than anybody else in the world, I'll know he's taking action based on good and not faulty or ideologically-motivated pushed agendas by the graduates of the Liberty University or other fundamentalist followers of John Hagee!
anyway, thanks for replying to my comments, bye!

DaraAzar said...

I am not a Hamas supporter but you should avoid parroting IDF propaganda. See this youtube to find out who broke the ceasefire.