Saturday, December 13, 2008

Persian Paranoia

Today I finally realized why these mullahs have such a strong hold on Iranian people. A friend who I had met through blogging accused me of being a spy for the mullahs. I know she does not know me personally because if she did, she would have die laughing.
After the initial shocked wore out I tried to reason with her and assure her that I am not a mullah spy. Why would an atheist spy for some radical Islamic Mullahs? More important than that, why would these Radical Mullahs employed an atheist? Finally we part our ways and I hope she feels secure now.
Now I understand why these mullahs are still in power in Iran. They have scared these brave people in to submission by making them scared of each other. How else someone who lives thousands miles away from them accuses another person who lives thousands miles away from these Mullahs of being a spy. I grew up in Iran and my family was very critical of Shah’s Dictatorship and his Savak. According to my mom our next door neighbor was a Savaki. She would remind us not to say anything bad about Shah to his kids. His kids and we never played with each other. To this day I don’t know if he was really a Savaki or not but that is what I remember.
Today in Iran everyone is Savaki except the name has changed to Basigi. If you say anything bad about these mullahs, their children, their dogs or their hens and rooster then you better watch out because somehow you will either end up in jail or if you are lucky you have a suspicious accident and die.
I feel bad for losing a good pen pal but I am glad she is feeling much safer today without a Black Chador wearing spy!. But, I feel sorry for millions of Iranians that are still in Iran and everyday they get more scared of their own fast growing shadows.


Unknown said...

dear Holly,
your pen pal has been a total IDIOT, it's unbelievable!!!!! you should try to understand though, she has not known ANYTHING about that society for so long (as she says in her comments), so she is quite a novice!!!
what a fool!!!

Black Chador said...

I wouldn't call her a fool. She is very passionate about Iran and what is going on but even though she admits of being scared I cannot understand why she would call me a spy of mullahs.
If all of us decide to be scared of these mullahs then who will keep the line of communication open and try to give a helping hand to the brave Iranian women?