Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Human Rights Closure

On Sunday, Iranian police initiated a full force attack and closed the office of a Human Rights watchdog group in Tehran. This was the office that Iran's Nobel peace prize winner, Shirin Ebadi, was heading and actively involved in. After the incident, Dr. Ebadi made the following statement:

"The closure of the office without providing a legal warrant is illegal. We will protest
against it. It will not deprive us from our rights activities."

As much as I admire Dr. Ebadi's fight against the Mullahs inhuman regime, I have to admit that in this case, Mullahs had every right to close her Human Right watchdog office. As Iran's judiciary rightfully claims, Dr. Ebadi's office was involved in "illegal" activities against the Islamic Republic and

My argument is very simple so please allow me to explain:

The Islamic Republic of Iran is based on Islamic and Quran laws and under a true Islamic law there is no such thing as Human Rights. I know many Islamic scholars have argued for years that Islam practices true Human Rights and under Islam everyone is equal. That might be true for Muslim men, but not for
Muslim women thus these scholars have two choices; either the Quran does not view every human being as an equal or a Muslim woman is not a human. I know it is harsh to say that just because you were born a Muslim woman you might not be considered a human being, but that is exactly what the Quran and Sharia laws consider you to be (or not to be). Under Islamic laws, a woman is only half a
man in her judgment, in inheritance laws and other laws. A father can sell his 8 year old daughter to a 58 year old man without her or her mother’s consent. See link below for a similar story or Google it yourself.


I have asked many supporters of Islamic law about the Quran's Human Rights view and every one of them has given me mumble jumble and dubious answers. Whenever I corner them with a logical question about Women’s Rights they all come back with "we protect our women because we respect them" or "Quran has given Muslim women more Rights than any other religion". When they talk about "protecting their women" they only mean protecting their chastity for themselves. Why else would Iranian Islamic court allow child molesting and incest within family members to go unpunished, but stone to death two consenting adults for having sex without marriage? Muslim countries and governments, in general, appear to be more worried about controlling women’s’ bodies and hair than giving women any Rights. Weak Muslim men are so worried about getting a hard on from seeing a single strand of a woman’s hair that they fail to realize that by doing so they are admitting to the world that they don't have any self control. So, in conclusion, I have to say that you cannot run a country based on Islamic laws while at the same time have an active Human Rights office. Human Rights are totally against Islam thus it must be against Allah/God. Human Rights activists are Kaafars and their activities must be stopped. For those of you who think that I am off base with my analogies please take a look at Islamic laws and tell me if you can find any equality and Rights for women within it. Prove me wrong.


Unknown said...

read these please:



WOW!!!! Iranian Heroes, you put us all to SHAME with your AMAZING bravery and courage!!!!

Long Live Shirin Ebadi!
Long Live The Rule of Law!
Long Live The Iranian Constitution!

Kourosh, aassoodeh bekhaab ke Iran bidaar ast!

Rest in Peace Cyrus The Great, for Your Iran is Still Awake!

Black Chador said...

Thanks for providing this link; I have been following all news coming out of Iran about the Human Rights Closure. I have also gone to different sites and posted comments in regard to this story. I believe we have to keep the story alive and keep beating these Unelected Mullahs with it.

american woman said...

I heard something on the radio (xm155)this afternoon from a man in India and he said if you want to improve the world, educate all the women.You will notice that woman are usually excluded from education in 3rd world countries