Monday, December 29, 2008
Touch Gaza Conflict and You Shall Own It
Now that Israel has finally gotten tired of the Hamas rocket firing and is now fighting back, Hamas is calling on other countries to make Israel stop the air raids. The blame for this carnage is squarely set on Hamas. Israel has every right to protect their people. Palestinians have to learn that Hamas, just like Hezbollah, is nothing but a group of extremists that are being financed by the Unelected Mullahs in Iran.
I would like to ask the Palestinians one question:
How many Iranians do you know that have participated in Suicide bombings? I don't know of any. Iranians are not stupid enough to blow themselves up for Islam. They use their money to get Hamas and Al-Qaeda to recruit your children to blow themselves up in the name of Islam. Why do you think for the last week or so, Hamas has thrown rockets at Israel? Why do you think Hamas is looking for a fight with Israel?
Look inside Iran for your answers. Iran is going through preparations for their next election in 2009. The extremists have a weak candidate, Ahmadinejad. They can't get rid of him (believe me, they’ve tried) so they have to create another "Jews against Islam" war to muddy the water and thus, steal the election. This is where you and your kids come into the picture. You don't hold any value to these "Men of God" except a death Headline against Jews. So go ahead, send your kids to blow themselves up so we can see their headless bodies on YouTube for 30 seconds. That is all you are good for as far as these Unelected Mullahs are concern. Is that what you dreamed for your baby when you brought him or her into this world?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Human Rights Closure
On Sunday, Iranian police initiated a full force attack and closed the office of a Human Rights watchdog group in Tehran. This was the office that Iran's Nobel peace prize winner, Shirin Ebadi, was heading and actively involved in. After the incident, Dr. Ebadi made the following statement:
"The closure of the office without providing a legal warrant is illegal. We will protest
against it. It will not deprive us from our rights activities."
As much as I admire Dr. Ebadi's fight against the Mullahs inhuman regime, I have to admit that in this case, Mullahs had every right to close her Human Right watchdog office. As Iran's judiciary rightfully claims, Dr. Ebadi's office was involved in "illegal" activities against the Islamic Republic and
My argument is very simple so please allow me to explain:
The Islamic Republic of Iran is based on Islamic and Quran laws and under a true Islamic law there is no such thing as Human Rights. I know many Islamic scholars have argued for years that Islam practices true Human Rights and under Islam everyone is equal. That might be true for Muslim men, but not for
Muslim women thus these scholars have two choices; either the Quran does not view every human being as an equal or a Muslim woman is not a human. I know it is harsh to say that just because you were born a Muslim woman you might not be considered a human being, but that is exactly what the Quran and Sharia laws consider you to be (or not to be). Under Islamic laws, a woman is only half a
man in her judgment, in inheritance laws and other laws. A father can sell his 8 year old daughter to a 58 year old man without her or her mother’s consent. See link below for a similar story or Google it yourself.
I have asked many supporters of Islamic law about the Quran's Human Rights view and every one of them has given me mumble jumble and dubious answers. Whenever I corner them with a logical question about Women’s Rights they all come back with "we protect our women because we respect them" or "Quran has given Muslim women more Rights than any other religion". When they talk about "protecting their women" they only mean protecting their chastity for themselves. Why else would Iranian Islamic court allow child molesting and incest within family members to go unpunished, but stone to death two consenting adults for having sex without marriage? Muslim countries and governments, in general, appear to be more worried about controlling women’s’ bodies and hair than giving women any Rights. Weak Muslim men are so worried about getting a hard on from seeing a single strand of a woman’s hair that they fail to realize that by doing so they are admitting to the world that they don't have any self control. So, in conclusion, I have to say that you cannot run a country based on Islamic laws while at the same time have an active Human Rights office. Human Rights are totally against Islam thus it must be against Allah/God. Human Rights activists are Kaafars and their activities must be stopped. For those of you who think that I am off base with my analogies please take a look at Islamic laws and tell me if you can find any equality and Rights for women within it. Prove me wrong.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Persian Paranoia
After the initial shocked wore out I tried to reason with her and assure her that I am not a mullah spy. Why would an atheist spy for some radical Islamic Mullahs? More important than that, why would these Radical Mullahs employed an atheist? Finally we part our ways and I hope she feels secure now.
Now I understand why these mullahs are still in power in Iran. They have scared these brave people in to submission by making them scared of each other. How else someone who lives thousands miles away from them accuses another person who lives thousands miles away from these Mullahs of being a spy. I grew up in Iran and my family was very critical of Shah’s Dictatorship and his Savak. According to my mom our next door neighbor was a Savaki. She would remind us not to say anything bad about Shah to his kids. His kids and we never played with each other. To this day I don’t know if he was really a Savaki or not but that is what I remember.
Today in Iran everyone is Savaki except the name has changed to Basigi. If you say anything bad about these mullahs, their children, their dogs or their hens and rooster then you better watch out because somehow you will either end up in jail or if you are lucky you have a suspicious accident and die.
I feel bad for losing a good pen pal but I am glad she is feeling much safer today without a Black Chador wearing spy!. But, I feel sorry for millions of Iranians that are still in Iran and everyday they get more scared of their own fast growing shadows.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Black Chador
This was the last letter Dr. Farrokhroo Parsa wrote to her children from her jail cell. Shortly after, she was executed by the firing squad of Mullah Khomeini's regime. Amongst the myriad of unjust accusations filed against Dr. Parsa by the hateful mullahs was her alleged encouragement towards the Iranian female athletes to wear shorts. Before the Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979, Dr. Parsa was the Minister of Education. On May 8, 1980, she was executed . The official reason for her execution was: "spreading vice on Earth and fighting God" (whatever that means). Dr. Parsa was not the only National Treasure we lost to these thugs. Many Iranian women believe that Dr. Parsa, as well as other female educators, were killed immediately after the 1979 revolution in an attempt to put fear in Iranian women and thus, force them into submission.
After the mullahs took over Iran, most women accepted their faiths, gave up their freedoms and wore the Chador. A few brave Iranian women, however, took a stand and said no to submission. Many, like Dr. Parsa, were eliminated by these hateful men of God. Others took their own lives in protest. One of the saddest cases of suicide was Dr. Homa Darabi. Soaked in gasoline, Dr. Darabi walked to the middle of a public square in Iran’s capital, Tehran, and set herself on fire. As the fire covered her body, Homa removed her headscarf and shouted “Death to tyranny. Long live freedom. Long live Iran”
I was one of the female athletes that wore shorts, which apparently contributed to Dr. Parsa’s execution. I was on the basketball team in my high school and we wore shorts that came down below our knees. I, however, wore shorter shorts when I rode my bike in our neighborhood. I really don’t remember asking Dr. Parsa if I should wear shorts or not.
Right after his 1979 victory, mullah Khomeini declared Chador (Veil) as the flag of revolution. As time went by, that flag of revolution turned Black.
My blog, Black Chador is dedicated to Dr. Parsa and Dr. Darabi and other brave women like them. It is also dedicated to all the women in Iran who are still fighting for Freedom, Equality and Justice against this barbarian regime.
I don’t like writing long blogs, but as time goes by, I will write more about Black Chador and the history of Chador in Iran.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Killing in Mumbai
All he wanted was the warmth of his mother’s arm but those terrorists took that from him in the name of “Good”.
As a born and raised Muslim I have read Quran in Arabic while I was in Iran schooling system by force and then I read the Farsi translation of Quran by choice while I lived in USA. I have to tell you that both versions were very hard to comprehend. Quran just like any other “Holy Book” is just a bunch of hearsay put on papers by a few groups with their own agendas. But, forced on me during my childhood and reading it later on my own I don’t remember in any part of it saying “hey Muslims go kill Jews and Christians and other Muslims so God be please with you”. Maybe I am wrong and I missed those Suras.
This horrific terror in Mumbai was achieved by Lashkar-e-Taiba. I have to admit that I didn’t know much about them so I Google them and learned a few things about them. Ironically Laskar-e-Taiba literally means “Army of the Good”. Well, tell that to the crying toddler. Tell him that these great Muslims took his parents because it was for their own “Good”. Tell the grieving survivors, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Atheists and others that based on the analogy of “Army of Good” your loved ones had to die for “Good”.
When we as decent human beings, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Atheists and others are we going to tell these murderers enough?
Maybe we should designate an International day of “Anti terrorism” and encourage all the normal human beings to come out to streets and denounce these killings. Let show these Radical Religious Killers of all kinds that real people are against them.
As for what these murderers doing to the legacy of Islam and its prophet, I will leave that to other Muslims to either support these Terrorists or denounce them based of what their take is on Islam and its teachings.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Ahmadinejad re-election
The other question is why in a country with 70 million populations Reformist can’t find someone else worthy of carrying their flag? We know that they have to find about a 1000 candidates and hope that the Council of Unelected Mullahs allow one of them to run. That would make it really hard because one out of eight people in Iran have some kind of criminal case against them. That itself is an amazing realty. How could an Islamic country have so many criminals?
As I said at beginning, I was waiting for an opponent but I won’t wait anymore thus here is my argument for supporting Ahmadinejad reelection.
My first argument goes back to the US election in 2004 when Bush was running for re election. Just like many other moderate and Liberal Americans I was really upset when Bush beat Kerry. As time went by I realized that was the best thing ever happened to America. In 2006 Neocons not just lost many of their representatives in the Congress but also lost all the support they had gained after 9/11. Conservatism was on the way out and Americans made sure that on the way out these Conservatives take their radical ideas with them.
Would this happen in Iran? Yes, by letting these Unelected Mullahs tearing apart Iran and suppressing Iranians of all genders and faiths, Iranians just like Americans will reject Radicalism as we have never seen before. There is no way Iranians put up with another four years of Ahmadinejad/ Khamene Dictatorship.
On the other hand right now price of oil is low and hopefully will stay low and that would take money thus power out of Mullahs hands. Very soon you will see this Dictatorship tanker sinking and rats would run for their lives.
Ahmadinejad is insane no argue here and he is relying on poor and uneducated votes for his victory. He is promising them the coming back of 12th Imam and the sad thing is that they believe him. I wonder what or who these Unelected Mullahs going to present to their followers once their puppet gets elected? For that reason alone we should let Ahmadinejad win this election. As an Atheist I would love to be proven wrong on the idea of there is no god thus there is no 2nd coming of Christ or reappearing of 12th Imam.
If a weak reformist candidate such as Khatami wins next election, he will be burned by what is happening globally and nationwide thus he will be blamed by Iranian Radical Conservatives for all the problems. Khamene will make sure Khatami’s presidency stay weak by undercutting anything Khatami wants to do.
Does anyone even dare to think that Khamene would allow Khatami administration to give women their Rights back?
Would Khamene allow divorce laws changed to benefit women?
Would Khamene stop executing children?
Just like America in 2004 Iran needs another four years of Dictatorship in order for general population to say “Enough” to Mullahs and send them back to where they belong “Mosques”
Saturday, November 8, 2008
About me
I believe Ahmadinejad is a very radical and insane person thus a perfect last nail in the coffin of these unelected mullahs.
I will try to keep this blog as simple as I can so ordinary people especially Iranians youth can participate. I will not censor any comment good or bad. Since I don't live in Iran and it would be very hard for any of these unelected mullahs to send anyone after me, go ahead and say whatever you want about them or about me.
Since one of my hubbies is to collect guns (I am a card carrying Liberal) and have a couple loud mouth dogs, I intend to exercise the right to eliminate any Mullahs or their thugs that step on my property.