Thank you for accepting this important task. We all know you didn’t need this job or all the troubles that came with it. You accepted this responsibility out of unselfishness and your ongoing commitment toward worldpeace.
As the world is celebrating a new era for the United States, and as a new ray of hope spreads all over America, I am so glad to have someone like you as our country's top diplomat. The world needs you and your expertise and your commitment to reverse what we all endured in the last eight years. Madam Secretary, let me be a little selfish and urge you to please place your focus on Women Rights issues in other countries as you once so bravely did when you were the First Lady. I still remember the Chinese officials' reaction when you gave your famous speech during your trip to China. You were right when you famously said: "It is time for us to say here in Beijing, and the world to hear, that it is no longer acceptable to discuss women's rights as separate from human rights,"
I want to be even more selfish and ask you to please pay a little extra attention to Iranian women and what they are enduring under this Unelected Mullah Dictatorship. As a woman, could you accept another woman’s death by stoning? As a woman, could you accept a forced marriage between a ten year old girl and an adult man? As a woman, could you stay quiet when another woman is being regarded as half of a human?
Today in Iran, women are jailed just for asking for equality in their society. Brave women such as Dr. Shirin Ebadi are constantly being harassed by these Unelected Mullahs and their thugs because they fight injustice in their society. Young ladies are being raped by their jailers before they get executed because in Islam it is forbidden to kill a virgin so these blood thirsty Mullahs and their thugs found a loophole to their problem while at the same time, adding insult to injury.
Dear Hilary, our eyes and hopes are on you and as we wish you a very successful tenor we also hope that you don’t forget us.
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Great article once more! She should deliver one of her Chinese speaches in Tehran.
I love these news!!!!
These news are ALL good for Iranian people, good for REFORM, good for True Genuine Islam, good for Mir Hossein Mousavi's chances in June electios in Iran, good for the ushering in of a REAL Islamic Democracy in the HEART of the Muslim World that can become a beacon for REAL FREEDOM, teaching Muslims how to be modern, democratic, and progressive WHILE not losing their Islamic identity and their cultural heritage!
If Iran, with its Islamic Republic the way its founding fathers (shaheeds Shariati, Bazargan, Taleghani, Beheshti and Motahhari) had envisioned it in the first constitution, DOES NOT become a role-model for other nations like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikestan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakistan, Azarbaijan, and even Iraq to a certain extent, then WHO will????
America can't certainly continue what it tried to do with Iraq in every other country in a region where there's so much mistrust and misunderstanding between the blue-eyed masters and the locals who were seen as the poor brown slaves (even if that was not what was truly in the hearts of the "masters" but at least it was what came off through the reflection people saw in those blue eyes looking down at them over decades if not centuries)!
So I hope what started as a sinister plot by the Brits to derail Iran's path toward modernity and democracy in 1953 and then the Israeli assistance to that goal by leaving Iran's revolution in the hands of a bunch of fanatic extremists after all those assassinations of the brains behind the concept of Islamic Democracy, can now with the GLOBAL LEADERSHIP of Prophet Obama be finally reversed, and the world will see (as I'm sure it will) Obama's America work WITH the good and noble people of Iran to take the helm of the Muslim World's ship and steer it toward what Descartes' Persian predecessor Ghazzali, and Goethe's Persian predecessesor Hafez, and Shakespeare's Persian predecessor Nizami, and ... envisioned a LONG time ago!
What would you think if one day, Americans decide to change the name of their government to Christian Republic of America? Or Canada decides to be called Christian Republic of Canada?
Would that be acceptable to you? Would you agree to live and work in a country that their congress would establish laws based on many versions of Bible?
There is no way you can establish a real Democracy in Iran based on Quran or Sharia laws. There are many definitions and many spins on the meaning of Democracy but even the most basic forms of Democracy has to have the three most basic principals which are:
All citizens of a Democratic society have equal rights and access to power.
All citizens of a Democratic society have to have their basic freedoms
All citizens of a Democratic society have to have Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Speech.
Examine these three simple principles and then tell me if Iran is a Democracy?
Examine these three simple principles and tell me if you could have a Democratic government based on Quran or Sharia laws.
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