Saturday, December 26, 2009

A friend sent me this

خطبه‌ی تازه‌ی امام‌خمينی

بسم‌الله الرحمن الرحيم. لاکن يکنفر اومده به ما کبريت شده (گريه حاضران) يا فندک يا چه. آتيش شده به پوستر ما. خلوت هم بوده. هيچکی هم نبوده. خودش تنها بوده با يکنفر ديگه. فيلموردار هم يکنفر بوده که فيلم ورميداشته. توی اون شلوغی؛ خلوت از کجا گير آورده اون؟ (الله اکبر حاضران) سکوت از کجا گير آورده اون؟ هل نبوده چرا هيچکس از عقب؟ اگر خواسته کسی ببينه پس چرا رفته اون گوشه آتيش زده؟ اگر تظاهرات بوده پس چرا کسی اونجا نبوده؟ پس برای عمه‌اش تظاهرات کرده؟ (خنده جمعيت) يا برای خاله‌اش تظاهرات کرده؟ (خنده حاضران) لاکن خنده نداره. سوال داره؟ اين کارمند تيليويزيون بوده خودش؟ برای سفارش، آتيش بوده يا پاره بوده محض ساختارشکنی؟ يا راستکی بوده؟ (الله اکبر حاضران) حالا شمايم اونقدر الله اکبر بگين تا بيان بهتون گوله بزنن. (صلوات جمعيت)لاکن حالا قشقرقه که چرا به ما کبريت شدن يا فندک شدن يا جرواجر شدن. کی بوده اين؟ هرکی بوده دوتا دست داشته! يا وانمود کرده که دوتا دست داره!
در نجف که ما بوديم احمد خدا بيامرز (گريه جمعيت) گفت آقا اگر رفتيم ايران عکس شما را آتيش شدند چکار کنيم؟ گفتم اولاً آدم باش. تربيت باش. عکس نگو. يا بگو تمثال يا بگو شمايل. ثانياً بهش گفتم شمايل من مثل ققنوسه. مثل سمندره. آتيش که بزنن از توی خاکستر خودش زنده ميشه پوستر مياد بيرون رنگی. (الله اکبر حاضران) تمام رنگی. لاکن مع‌الاسف ايندفه که تيليويزيون نشون داده اينجوری نشده. نيمسوز شده. يا کبريتش تقلبی بوده يا فندکش ساخت ايران بوده. يا هم که دستور داشتن کامل نسوزونن که دودش توچشم خودشون نره. (صلوات جمعيت)
اون سال هم اون احمد رشيدی دهن‌لق بود مطلق بود هرکوفتی بود همينجور ماره سوزوند. (گريه حاضران) خدا پدرشو بيامرزه هرکی هست. که اول طلاب قم راه افتادند. مثل امسال. حالا دوباره داره انقلاب ميشه انگار. (الله اکبر جمعيت) امسال. ولی ايندفه داره به نفع ملت ميشه انگار. لاکن ما بنا نداريم که به نفع ملت بشه چيزی. به نفع مردم بشه چيزی. همين ميرحسين خوبه. من اين ميرحسين را بزرگش کردم. کوچيک بود. نقاشی ميکرد. لاکن آدم سالمی بود. دستشم توی کشتارها نبود چون ما نميذاشتيم اون بفهمه. اونم نخست‌وزير بود سرش گرم بود. گاهی هم که ميپرسيد اين صدای گوله چيه؟ ميگفتيم هيچ‌چی! اونم دنبالشه نميگرفت. خبر نداشت سال شصت تا شصت و هفت چه کشت و کشتاری کرديم خوشبختانه. (صلوات جمعيت)
حالا اين انچوچک اومده عکس بيت ميرحسين را توی تيليويزيون آورده، ولی تيليويزيون نبايد نشون بده. تيليويزيون مملکت بايد حساب کتاب داشته باشه. هرچی نشون نده. تيليويزيونه اين يوتيوب که نيست. (جمعيت: مرگ بر يوتيوب. مرگ بر ضد اسرائيل. مرگ بر ولايت فقيه!) لاکن قاطی پاتی شعار ندين که اشتباه نشه. يا همين عکس ماره، تمثال ماره که نشون داد. آتيش بهش بود. چرا پس بايد نشون بده؟ چرا مال آقای خامنه‌ای ممنوع‌الپخشه مال ما بازپخشه؟ يک عده داشتن راه ميرفتن رو عکسش ما که ديديم. ولی رسوائيش مال عکس مايه. اين ميخواد ميرحسينه بگيره، عکس امام نشون ميده. بعدشم ميگه ميرحسين آتيش زد. مردم هم که بلانسبت خر نيست، پشتی ميرحسين درمياد. چی ميشه؟ بيشتر محبوب ميشه ميرحسين. زندونم باشه بيشتر. مردم هم بيشتر دوستش دارن. اين خودش برای نهضت خوبه که مردم ميرحسينشه بيشتر دوست داشته باشند. (الله اکبر حاضران)
چقدر من نصيحت بودم به اون آقای برژنف که برگرده به اسلام. لاکن گوش نبود. مُرد. يک روز تو نعشکش انداختنش ديدن مرده. (گريه جمعيت) ولی اين آقای پوتين از اولش توده‌ای بود. آخرشم برگشت به اسلام. الان ميخواد چاه جمکران درست کنه تو مسکو. (الله اکبر جمعيت) لاکن طوری نباشه که زبونم لال حضرت صاحب را دو به شک کنن که کدومش بهتره از کدومش؟ برای ظهور يا چه!
در عربستانم اومدن چاه جديد بزنن برای حضرت ولی به نفت خورد. شانس دارن اين حجازی‌های وهابی. خيلی مهمه نفت. نفت اگر نبود نعمت نفتی اينقدر معروف ميشد در زمان شاه؟ آغاسی ميشد اينهمه؟ اولش نفت ميبرد در خونة مردم ولی کم کم کمپانی‌های نفتی توطئه کردن خريدنش خواننده‌ش کردن. (الله اکبر) اينجوری نفت ما هدر ميرفت در زمون اون پدر و پسر. بختيارم همينطور. مع‌الاسف لائيک بود. ميگفت مذهب از دولت جدا باشه. فوتينا. چيش ميمونه؟ چارده معصومش؟ً! نفت اينجا، کاخ اينجا، پول اينجا. چی را جدا بشه؟ چرا بايد جدا بشه؟ اونی که ميباس جدا بشه کلة خودش بود. (خنده جمعيت) همچين گوش تا گوش بريديم که خيالش راحت بشه. در اين نهضت ما هرکی سرش بريده بشه پای خودشه. يا اون بنی‌صدر. اونم پاره تن من بود. لاکن مع‌الاسف گول رجوی را خورد. (گريه حاضران) لابد گفته بود بيا بريم بغداد زن عراقی بگير! (خنده حاضران) لاکن بختيار با اينا فرق داشت. سرش به تنش زياد بود. فرانسه هم حرف ميزد آقا. ميخواست لائيسيته بياره ارواح باباش که با خرافات و دخيل و دعانويسی مبارزه کنه. منم دادم دعانويس‌های نجف يک دعائی نوشتن خوندم فوت کردم به گزليک، فرداش گزليکه تو گلوی بختيار بود. (الله اکبر) دعا همينه. به شرطی نيت پاک باشه. تازه ببين اگر اعتقاد داشتم چی ميشد!
من دعا هستم به ميرحسين يا حتا اون بنی‌صدر. کيان اسلام دست اينهاست. حالا اون، بيضه اسلام را برداشته با خودش برده پاريس ولی مواظبشه. اينم که اينجا مثل خودم «نه يک کلمه کمتر نه يک کلمه بيشتر» ميگه. فقط بايد مواظب سبزا باشه. يک طوری نباشه که خدای نخواسته منحرفش کنن به انحراف. از راه درش کنن تو جاده.
آقای هاشمی بايد حواسش باشه به اين. حواسش باشه به خامنه‌ای. پريروز من حيرت شدم شنيدم آقای خامنه‌ای رهبر شده! لاکن آقای هاشمی اومد به من ثابت کرد که وصيت خودم بوده! من هروقت هرچی باورم نبوده آقای هاشمی به من ثابت کرده. لاکن برعکسش اين اون چيزه که حرف ميزنه برای اينکه جايزه‌ای چيزی بگيره. معقول فقيهی بود برای خودش، عاليقدری بود برای خودش. حالا برای ما شده شيرين عبادی! از اونم بدتر. اينم تو يوتيوبه. آقای پاپ هم تو يوتيوبه. لاکن من هشدار هستم به اين دولت. کاری نکنه که خدای نخواسته دوباره انقلاب بشه ايندفه مثل اوندفه. بلکن هم بدتر. لاکن عوامل بگن ميرحسين اومده ميخواد شاهه برگردونه. شايع بشن که آقای خامنه‌ای گفته يا جای اون يا جای من. (صلوات جمعيت) خلاصه يکجوری بشه که ملت بگه فقط ميرحسين. نه يک کلمه کمتر نه يک کلمه بيشتر. خارجيشم بخواد بگه بنی‌صدر! آخوندشم بخواد بگه خاتمی دوباره. لاکن دکون بقالی نيست ولی جنس‌مان جوره بحمدالله. (جمعيت: يک ياحسين تا ميرحسين) دوتا ياحسينم طول بکشه ده تا ياحسينم طول بکشه اسلام پيروزه. مخصوصنم که اين ميرحسين آدم خوبيه. دزدم نيست مثل بقيه. (جمعيت: ما همه سرباز توايم خمينی!) لائيک نباشن. سکولار يا چه وچه نباشن که دين از دولت جدا باشه. زر نباشن. چيز نکنن. من اگر دلم رحم نبود توی دهن اون ملت ميزدم. لاکن آقای خامنه‌ای مثل من نيست. شوخی نداره اون. مثل من مأخوذ به حيا نيست. ميزنه.
دست‌بوسی آيت‌الله خمينی
چقدر مشعوف شدم من که ديدم تنگ دل هم نشستن ميرحسين و آقای خامنه‌ای. منم توی اوون نشسته بودم دستم را گذاشته بودم لب نرده يکی يکی ميومدن ماچ ميکردن به اون دست. چقدرم لاغر بود اين آقای خاتمی اون موقع. يوتيوب اينش خوبه. هرکی بگه دست ماره ماچ نکرده يک انگشت به کليکش ميکنم خودش ببينه. والسلام عليکم و رحمت الله و چه و چه.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dear Ayatollah Sistani

On September 23rd, Ahmadinejad gave another rumbling speech at UN. He gave this speech not only as the President of Iran, but also as an ambassador of all Shia followers such as you. I am not sure if that makes you a proud Shia or not so I decided to write this letter and urge you to make a comment about this person and his rants.
In June of 2009, when Ahmadinejad, Khamenei and Khamenei’s son Mujtaba cheated and stole the election in Iran, Mr. Rafsanjani came to see you and ask for gaudiness and resolution, but he came back empty handed. I guess you thought that this whole thing would blow over and the Iranian people would once again go home and praise Allah for the revolution and their Islamic Government.
When hundreds of Iranians were arrested, injured, raped and killed by Islamic representatives of the Islamic Regime of Iran, you were silent. So my question to you is, why?
What do you think we Iranians should think about your silence? I tell you what I think and I am sure many Iranians will agree with me and my logic.
First of all let me agree with the assessment that, in regards to Shia religion, you are the highest ranking authority in the world. We also agree that you were born in Iran, thus your opinion both as an Iranian and as an Islamic scholar matters to most everyone. You are not only an Iranian and a scholar but also a Marja Dini. From what I researched, a few roles that a Marja Dini is responsible for are to give answers to questions about worshiping and other religious practices but also business and political issues. Am I wrong? I don’t think so because after the invasion of Iraq in 2003, you did get involved with Iraqi political issues. So why are you quiet now?
Could it be that you care more about Iraqi Muslims than Iranian Muslims?
Could it be because you think it is ok for Iranian Muslims to be raped and killed by Khamenei and Ahmadinejad and their thugs as long as they are Muslims and not American Christians?
Could it be because you don’t want to air Islamic dirty laundry in the face of an international audience?
What is it? What is your reason for your silence?
Whatever your reasons are, I have to tell you that your silence is damaging Islam and Shiaism at the same rate as Khamenei and Ahmadinejad’s actions are. You did not get to the title of Marja Dini by being naïve, I bet you’re still very bright even at your old age, so why don’t you get the message that millions of Iranian Muslims are sending to you?
You cannot be in agreement with Khamenei and Ahmadinejad in all these killings and raping of your fellow Muslims, are you?
You cannot ignore the suffering that Iranian Muslims are going through, can you?
What about ignoring the Muslim mother that had to identify the burnt body of her daughter from a small birth mark on her foot because her rapist, the Islamic Representative of Islamic Regime burned her body after raping her, can you ignore her cry for her daughter?
All I know is that if you, Ayatollah Sistani, if you as Marja Dini for the world Shia, if you stay quiet then you are agreeing with whatever Khamenei and Ahmadinejad are doing to Muslims in Iran. I am not an Islamic Scholar like you, as matter of fact I don’t even consider myself as being smart, but I am a practical and logical person and my sense of logic tells me that what they are doing is a bad thing for Islam. Khamenei and Ahmadinejad are on their way out, but what should worry you is that they are falling from grace and they are taking your beloved Islam with them. So, my question to you is, do you care?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Was it real or was it Memorex?

As you may have noticed, I had to leave the country for an urgent trip to ME. I went to a place that was less than an hour flight to my home town, Shiraz. During my business trip, I was tempted to make a quick (and illegal) trip to Shiraz…so I did. My trip only lasted three days, but what a trip it was.
The only logical way in was flying, but I didn’t have a current Iranian passport so I had to use one of my relatives passport. All I had to do was cover my hair and when the agent looked at my face I looked down like a real shy Muslim woman should do. Their security is so primal that it’s actually quite comical. All you have to do is use words like "brother", "Dear", "janam” (I’m unable to translate this word to English) to throw them off their game so they don’t concentrate on your face. I kept my trip short in case someone decided to check into my visit. My only purpose of this trip was to say I did it and to prove that these mullahs are nothing but Paper Tigers. They are no different than North Korea's Kim Jong il who’s nuclear bomb plan is the same as Saddam's. They have nothing, their people hate them, and they have corruption within their own dirty groups. I talked to many people, such as doctors, lawyers, housewives, students, mullahs, bazaries, engineers, young people, and old people duringmy three day visit. I spoke with one young man who voted for Ahmadinejad and believed that Iran was on the right track. I also ran into an old friend who believed that the Iranian people deserved someone like Ahmadinejad.

What did I witness?

I witnessed real turmoil in Iran, a country on the verge of change. On one hand, we have Khamenei, his son, and their military arm, The Revolutionary Guard and its Basij branch, who are trying very hard to transform the regime into a Dictatorship and thus, allow Mojtaba to become the next Iran Supreme Leader (even though he does not qualify). On the other hand, Ahmadinejad wants to change Iran into an Islamic Military state. Meanwhile the moderate Mullahs see what is coming at them and trying to side with the Iranian people who are fighting against both camps.

What do I think will happen?

I think in the end, the Iranian people will win this fight, but it will take another couple of years before that happens. Both Ahmadinejad and Khamenei are at the weakest point of their time since they took power. The Islamic Republic has lost its standing with Iranians due to corruption and lies that were forced on the Iranian people for over 30 years. As a result, the idea surrounding Islam is also at the weakest point its ever seen in Iranian Islamic history, which goes back 1400 years. The young yet educated Iranians are turning away from Islam in a great numbers and some are even changing their religion to the ancient Iranian religion, Zoroastrian. During my trip I did not run in to one person that practiced Islam by choice. Few had to do their noon prayers during working hours, but lied about the other four times in which they were not being watched.

My trip conclusion?

Iran will change because Iranians are tired of living a lie which was fed to them by Khomeini 30 years ago. Both Ahmadinejad and Khamenei are unwanted Dictators forcing themselves on Iranians with their arm forces guns and tear gas. Their Nuclear bomb Program is nothing but a page browed from Saddam's imaginary Nuclear Program. They are trying to copy North Korea's
plan through a Tantrum Plan to draw attention and thus, cutting a protection deal from US
and UK for their survival.

What do I suggest?

The same thing I suggested for North Korea….nothing. The Iranian regime has become a Self Eating Watermelon. Do you know what happens when a watermelon rots inside? It will eventually explode and the stench will become apparent to everyone instantly.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A message from a friend of Black Chador

For some unexplained reason Black Chador will not be able to publish any new posts for a while. We hope to have her back soon. Please don’t leave any comments in regard to where she is or what she is doing.

Thanks you

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Iranian Islamic Regime making and promoting porn videos

I am totally against porn but in this case I have to share this video with my readers. I have to say that I was very suspicious about the whole thing but did my homework and realized that this is not a fake. I even found a piece of information on a blog site with Mullah Gulestani explanation of his porn video with one of his staff’s wife.
His explanation is in Farsi but the bottom line was that he claims that he had sex with his staff’s wife as a favor to them and their marriage. In order for you to see this porn video you have to copy and paste the link.

This site is banned in Iran.

Mullah’s explanation of why he was having sex with this married woman:
اين سايت در ايران ممنوع شده از دوستان خواهش ميكنيم بوسيله ايميل به دوستان و خانوادهتان بفرستيد. اين فيلم در مورد رابطه سكسي حسن گلستاني و فاطمه رجب زاده هست. هر دو ازدواج كرده و هردو از افراد نزديك خامنه اي پوشك پوش هست. هيچكدام سنگسار يا زنداني نشدن و هر دو هنوز بسر شغلشون هستند. اين قضيه نشون ميده كه حتي خامنه اي هم به قوانين اسلامي اهميت نميده. لطفا بخاطر انتقام قتل همه كساني كه بدست اين ملاهاي كثيف كشته شدن اين ويديو را به همه پخش كنيد.

پخش فیلم ِ رابطه ی ِ جنسی یک روحانی با یک زن، که ظاهرن هر دو متاهلند، باعث ِ ناخشنودی ِ سران ِ مملکتی شده است؛ و از آن جا که طبق ِ قوانین ِ کیفری ِ ایران، مجازات ِ زنا کنندگان، سنگسار و اعدام است، قوه ی ِ قضاییه برای ِ از سر گذراندن ِ این بحران، با چالشی جدی رو به رو خواهد بود.
حجه السلام والمسلمین حسن گلستانی رئیس ستاد اقامه نماز شهرستان تویسرکان و از اعضای هیات امنای ستاد ائمه جمعه و جماعات استان همدان (نهادی که منصوب مستقیم مقام رهبری است ) در هفته گذشته به یکی از خبر سازترین روحانیت کشور تبدیل شده است
بعضی از پایگاههای اینترنتی انرا به یک بمب خبری در تویسرکان تشبیه کرده اند.
شهر”تویسرکان” جمعیتی با لبغ بر۴۵هزار نفرد, ر جنوب کوه الوند و شهر همدان واقع شده‌است.
این هم اظهارات این حاج اقا بعد از رسوا شدن

ملت عزیز و همیشه در صحنه ی ایران، من نیز صحنه را دیدم و باید عرض کنم که صحنه به هیچ وجه ساختگی نبود اما این اقدام بنده به هیچ وجه عمل زنای محصنه محسوب نمی شود زیرا آن خانم در آن لحظه قانونا و شرعا همسر بنده بود.
زنی که شما در صحنه مشاهده کردید، فاطمه رجب زاده نام دارد که هم اکنون همسر قانونی و شرعی آقای غلامعلی الهه زاده می باشد که این آقا از کارمندان دفتر من هستند.
مدتی پیش آقای الهه زاده بر اثر موضوعی از دست خانم رجب زاده خشمگین می شود و در هنگام خشم همسر خویش را سه طلاقه می کند اما پس از این که خشمش فروکش می کند از کرده ی خویش پشیمان می شود و بار دیگر از خانم رجب زاده تقاضای ازدواج می نماید.
بر اساس قوانین شرعی شخصی که همسر خویش را سه طلاقه کرده دیگر نمی تواند با وی ازدواج کند مگر این که کس دیگری با وی ازدواج نموده و سپس وی را طلاق دهد که در اصطلاح فقهی به این شخص محلل گفته می شود یعنی کسی که حلال مشکلات است.
این زوج برای برطرف کردن مشکل شان به نزد من آمدند و از من خواهش کردند که به عنوان محلل این معضل آن ها را حل بنمایم، از آن جا که بنده همواره زندگی ام را وقف خدمت به مردم و حل کردن مشکلات شان نموده ام نتوانستم از قبول درخواست آن ها سر باز زنم.
این شد که بنده خانم رجب زاده راعقد نمودم و برای اینکه کارم جنبه ی ریا پیدا نکند قبلش همسرم را به خانه ی مادرش فرستادم تا کسی پی به این فداکاری من نبرد زیرا من دوست ندارم کسی از کارهای خیری که برای مردم انجام می دهم باخبر شود.
صحنه ای که شما عزیزان مشاهده نمودید در حقیقت در طی همان دو ساعتی اتفاق افتاده که خانم رجب زاده همسر قانونی و شرعی من بودند و من هیچ گناهی را مرتکب نشده ام.
من مایل نبودم مردم پی به محلل بودن من ببرند اما حال که ناگزیر همه دانسته اند در همین جا اعلام می کنم که به صورت خالصانه در خدمت مردم همیشه در صحنه ی ایران هستم و هر کس که نظیر مشکل این زوج را داشته باشد می تواند روی من حساب کند.
والسلام علیکم و الرحمة الله و برکاته
حاج حسن گلستانی، امام جمعه تویسرکان
این قسمت خیلى جالب است
این شد که بنده خانم رجب زاده راعقد نمودم و برای اینکه کارم جنبه ی ریا پیدا نکند قبلش همسرم را به خانه ی مادرش فرستادم تا کسی پی به این فداکاری من نبرد زیرا من دوست ندارم کسی از کارهای خیری که برای مردم انجام می دهم باخبر شود

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Islam is banned in Iran

If you have read any of previous posts then you know that I am an atheist. Last week I heard wonderful news from Iran. Apparently Iran is on her way to becoming a nation of Atheists, thanks to their Supreme Leader Caliph Khamenei, let me explain.
As anyone familiar with Islam knows the color Green is an important symbol for that religion. Islamic flags are solid green and have the phrase “Allah Akbar” right in the middle of it. Because of the brave Iranians Green uprising, this symbol of Islam is now banned in Iran. There are two phrases that are very important in Islam. One is Allah Akbar “God is great” and the other one is "La Elah Ela ALLAH Mohammad Rasol ALLAH" “No God but God & Mohammad is god's prophet". According to Islam, it is the duty of every Muslim to promote Islam by going on his roof top and chanting these two phrases especially the “Allah Akbar”.
However since the stolen Iranian election, Iranians are demonstrating against CHEATING and LIEING (two big sins in Islam) in many cities and streets of Iran. During the day they show their opposition to Caliph Khamenei‘s lies and deceptions by demonstrating and getting beat up for their Islamic believes and chanting Allah Akbar from their rooftops after sunset.
Well, to all Muslims surprise Caliph Khamenei, the Supreme Leader and the main authority on Islam in Iran has declared a ban on chanting “Allah Akbar” and made it legal for his thugs (basijis) to raid any home that “Allah Akbar” sound come from thus made the promotion of Islam illegal.
I am pleased with this development because finally it proves that people like me were right about the fact that Caliph Khamenei is a fake and he is an insult to anyone who really believes in a true Islamic way of life. I have to thank Caliph Khamenei for his support of spreading Atheism in Iran and I look forward to going back to my country without worrying about getting beheaded for being a Kafar

Saturday, June 27, 2009

How to change a Dictatorship to a Democracy

I was about to write another nasty blog about the Dictator Khamenei when I saw an e-mail from my brother with a link to an article. I click on the link and just loved its title. It said “Scholar's protest guide offered to Iranians

The article is about a Retired Harvard researcher named Gene Sharp and his guideline for fighting and winning against dictatorships. While reading the first few paragraphs I kept thinking “someone should translate this to Farsi”. Well, it has been translated to Farsi and I found it by Goggling the "From Dictatorship to Democracy, in Farsi" and here is the links to Gene Sharp’s recipe on how peacefully tumble a Dictatorship and bring home Democracy,

in Farsi:

For English speaking readers and those Iranian that can’t read Farsi (I am talking to you Hasti) here is the

English version:

As for my nasty blog to Khamenei, I will put it on back burner for now.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Killers of Neda and other brave Iranians

Happy hunting my friend. Their blood will cleanse Iran.

My two cents about Iranian Election

I was about thirteen when I decided that Islam was not for me. As matter of fact I decided that the whole God/Allah thing was a sham. I officially became an atheist at the age of 15 when my Religion teacher threw me out of class and summoned me to the principal’s office with an accusation that I was a Baha’i. What was her reason? Because I had asked a simple question which she could not answer. I asked her, if god was so smart then why does he only understand Arabic? I asked why Persians have to pray to him in Arabic and not Farsi. I remember the whole class laughed and I was sent to the principal’s office. At the principal’s office she asked if I was a Baha’i and I answered “No, I am a Kafar” (Atheist).
I left Iran before Islamic Revolution (thank the stars for that). After the Revolution Iran became an Islamic Republic Regime. My friends and family’s miniskirts were traded in for Black Chador. Women Judges (due to their lack of brains, according to Islam) became secretaries. Lying and cheating became a norm for people trying to stay away from Islamic jails. Drug use and alcohol consumption increased (out of frustration). Prostitution (Sigheh) became legal. A couple of years after the Islamic Revolution I sent my Iranian passport in for renewal which the authorities sent back with a list of what they needed and a letter which I was supposed to sign and send back. By signing the letter I would have pledged my legion to the new Islamic Republic of Iran and Khomeini. They also asked me to send two pictures with my hair covered for my new passport and a check (I don’t remember for how much). I sent my passport with two normal pictures (my hair showing) and the check. No signed letter. About a month later I got my original passport back with a big red stamp which said “CANCELLED” in Farsi (at least not in Arabic). They kept my check and my pictures.
Meanwhile, I became a US citizen and lived a relatively normal life in a country that does not care if you are an atheist or not. I had given up hope of going back to Iran even for a visit.
Fast forward to the beginning of 2008 and a guy name Obama, instantly I became hopeful for change in Iran. In my mind if we could create a wave of change so strong that it reaches the Middle East, there might be hope for a free Iran. Having the Obama phenomena and the fact that usually Dictatorships only last about 30 years and Iranians average age being 33 and over 60% of Iranians being under thirty years old, I could see a Perfect Storm. At first I told myself that Iran needs another four years of Ahmadinejad in order for the pendulum to go the other way in a strong way as it had happened in the US in the 2006 and 2008 elections. But, after witnessing the excitement of young Iranians, especially the Iranian women, I lost my sense of logic and got excited for them and started campaigning with them. I wanted them to win. I really didn’t care for any of the candidates. My candidates were their hopes and dreams.
So, the day before the election I bought a bottle of champagne (As I did for Obama’s victory) and put it in the refrigerator to chill. I was going to celebrate my young Iranian’s victory with them from thousands of miles away.
Not to my surprise millions of Iranians went to the polls, but for some strange reason even the campaign workers of the other candidates and their family and friends and maybe even themselves voted for Ahmadinejad. IT WAS A MIRACLE!!! Then the same people poured into the streets and asked for their votes back. One should ask these people “Why did you vote for him in the first place”? You cannot now come back and say, give me my vote back, especially after the Dear Leader (I know that is the North Korean Dude)put his stamp of approval on it three hours after 37,000,000 votes were counted by hand, in a country as big as the State of Alaska, get real.
So, these Un-Iranians (like the Un-American during Bush era) are protesting in the streets and the KIND Islamic sharp shooters with their KIND Islamic guns, under the KIND order of their Dear Leader (I know that is the Dude in N.K) are shooting their KIND Islamic bullets into young Iranian hearts. This fight for freedom is unfolding as the whole world can see it in thousands of You Tube clips showing how Democracy works in an Islamic country.
So, I want to be selfish and go back to my logic and say,” Ahmadinejad won”. What would that do to Iran and more importantly to Islam, Ahmadinejad and the Dear Leader (I said I know)?
As for Iran and Iranians, they have gained a tremendous amount of passion and respect from the world for their effort to take back their country.
Ahmadinejad is going to have a more miserable time during the next four years than did Bush. Whenever he goes out of Iran, unless he goes to see his Amigo Hugo, or few heads of Islamic tribes in Africa he will be shouted at (“cheater, murderer”) by people like me.
The Dear Leader Khamenei dream of his Caliphate dynasty being pasted on to his worthless son, Mojtaba, is down the shitter.
As for Islam, that is another story. In the Islam that I was forced to learn in school back in Iran, cheating and lying is a big sin. The mullahs in Iran have single handedly proved what people like me were trying to prove to the world for years. They have proved to the world that Islam is a fake religion. Why? Because they helped a cheater and a liar steal other Muslims property (their vote) and that is a great sin. If Islam is a real religion and the Quran is the word of God then what should REAL Muslims do to people like Ahmadinejad and Khamenei?.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

In memory of Neda Agha-Soltan

The world can still see images of her as she took her last breath, but Neda has already been buried.
Unfortunately for Dictator Khamenei, however, she has not been forgotten. Neda
Agha-Soltan was a young 27 year old student with a brave

As ordered by their Dictator, the thugs had taken her body and
the only way her family could have her body back was for Neda to be
buried in a secret funeral. They didn't even allow for her family to have a
memorial for her. This is what this "Islamic Democracy" is all about: lying,
cheating, killing and terrorizing.

I live for the day when Iranians capture Khamenei and tear him to pieces in
the name of justice for all the "Nedas" of Iran.
I live for the day when Khomeini's moselalium is destroyed just like the Berlin
Wall. It was that bastard that stole the Iranian revolution 30 years ago and thus,
planted the foul seed of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I hope you rot in hell
and I hope all your devotees and followers soon join you.

To all the "Nedas" in this revolution: we will never forget you. We
will never forget how these thugs cut your young lives short. You will always
be remembered.

Another Khameini’s thug which killed Iranians

آقاي سيد حسن ميركاظمي - مسئول بسيج مسجد الهادي- كه بيش از ١٧۵ ميليارد تومان كه ۴٠% آن بدون وثيقه است از بانك كشاورزي وام ميگيرد و امروز افسار گسيخته بر مردم مي تازد. قطعا اين تاخت و تاز به خاطر اسلام و انقلاب نيست و اين سند اهداف اين گروه به اصطلاح حزب اللهي را به روشني افشا مي كند

علت اصلی‌ عصبانیت خامنه‌ای از دولت انگلستان

علت اصلی‌ عصبانیت خامنه‌ای از دولت انگلستان

حتما خبر مسدود شدن یک میلیارد و ۶۰۰ میلیون دلار از دارا یی‌های ایران در بریتانیا رو خوندید که البته در میان خبرهای داغ این روز‌ها توجه زیادی بهش نشد، حال آن چه در زیر میخوانید پشت پرده این خبر و علت اصلی‌ عصبانیت خامنه‌ای از دولت انگلیس و احضار سفیر ایران به وزارت خارجه دولت بریتانیا می‌باشد.

حساب بانکی‌ به نام مجتبی خامنه‌ای پسر رهبر انقلاب ، در یکی‌ از بانک‌های لندن به مبلغ ۱ میلیارد ششصد میلیون دلار وجود داشت که با پیگیر‌های تعدادی از ایرانیان و فشار زیاد به دولت انگلیس مبنی بر اینکه این پول متعلق به مردم ایران است و باید توقیف شود از یک ماه پیش شروع شد. و دولت انگلیس بخاطر روابط اقتصادی با خانواده خامنه‌ای تمایل به توقیف این پول را نداشت که عده ای موفق شدند با اقدام‌های قانونی کار را روز ۲۳ خرداد به اتمام برسانند. این پول هم اکنون به نام ملت ایران بلوکه شده .

در ضمن تعداد زیادی از وابستگان به بیت رهبری یا اشخاص حقیقی نزدیک به آقای خامنه‌ای میلیاردها دلار به اسامی مختلف در بانک‌های کشورهای اروپایی‌ حساب دارند ..از جمله می‌توان در بانکی‌ در آلمان مبلغ ۸۰۰ میلیون دلار به نام مجتبی‌ تهرانی‌ و یا ۷۴۰ میلیون دلار به نام فردی به اسم شوجونی و غیره اشاره کرد...که از این پس اطلاع رسانی خواهد شد ،

گفتنیست تلاشها برای توقیف کل این پولها که بالغ بر ۱۰ میلیارد دلار می‌باشد و توسط فروش نفت به دست آمده است ادامه دارد و در حال پیگیری است.

عصبانیت آقای خامنه‌ای از دولت انگلیس صرفاً به خاطر توقیف پول پسرشان می‌باشد ،حتا سفارت ایران در لندن بارها با مسئولین انگلیس در این بار مذاکره کرده‌اند که با اقدامات قانونی عده ای دولت انگلیس نمیتوانست کمکی‌ به آقای خامنه‌ای کند.در ضمن دولت انگلیس برای اینکه اسامی افشا نشود ،اقدام به رایزنی و حل موضوع اسم مجتبی خامنه‌ای به شدت در حال فعالیت است

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our dear brave Iranians

Don't back off, victory is right around the corner. If you back off now, Khameinie's son will win. He is waiting for his dictator father to die and pass the throne to him.
See for yourself, he is quietly with his father’s help trying to take over the new Mullah dynasty.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

This Basiji thug killed 7 Iranians

Keep a track of him, if anyone knows who he is and if anyone knows where he lives please let us know.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hello Khamenei,

How are you these days? Are you enjoying what the brave Iranian people are dishing out to you and your thugs? Bon appétit. You have fed them so much bullshit these last 30 years that they finally said “Enough”. Do you remember when you were a revolutionary against the Shah? Do you remember why you became a revolutionary?
Do you remember yelling and screaming about the Shah’s dictatorship?
How about the corruptions you saw in Iran under one family, Shah’s family?
Do you remember the fixed elections?
Well if you don’t remember then take a hard look of your surroundings and you will see how greed and power changed you from a revolutionary to a corrupt Dictator.
You were once a political prisoner and now you have thousands of political prisoners. You claimed that you had been torture by the Shah and you now torture young students in the same prison you claim to have been tortured.
You yelled and scream about Shah stealing Iranian money, how much have you stolen? Don’t remember? Please let me refresh your memory. As of seven years ago this was you assets portfolio in Forging banks:

Ali Khamenei - Sparkasse Bank (Frankfurt/Germany) Acct. # 234075617: DM 112.1 Millions- Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct. # 217824: US$ 97 Millions - Banque Cantonale (Lausanne/CH) Acct. # 71713: US$ 73.2 Millions

Only you and your Allah (your banker) know how big your portfolio is today and how much your kids and family and friends have stolen from Iranian people.
Now, stealing money is one thing, but stealing the Iranian peoples freedom and then to add insult to their injury you had to steal their hopes and dreams last Friday in that sham presidential election?.
How could you not see it coming? How stupid were you to think that the Iranian people will go home as soon as you put your dirty stamp of approval on your stupid candidate’s victory?
Did you think they are sheep and can’t count?
Now, look what you have done to your dictatorship. Your House of Cards is falling. No matter what happens in the next few days even if you survive this turmoil, you will be the joke of Iranian people and the world community. You and your thugs are finished.
So here is my suggestion, stop killing Iranians because that would make matters worse. Take your money that you have stolen from Iranian people and go to another country, somewhere that you could buy a few little baby girls to marry, take that Khomeini famous book, The Tahrirolvasyleh to make sure you molest your baby girl brides according to Islamic ways or you’ll be in huge trouble with your boss. Make sure you only go to a prominent Muslim country where you and your perverted ways will be safe I suggest Saudi or Yemen.
Make sure to pick another name where ever you go because people like me will be looking for you and your thugs for the rest of our lives.
At the end I have a prayer for you and here it goes:
You piece of human waste, I hope you rot in hell next to the others who stole the brave Iranian revolution 30 years ago.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dear president Obama,

I know you cannot come out and criticize this thievery of Iranian people votes but I am urging you please do not recognize this fraud. Iranian people did not vote for Ahmadinejad, you know that, the whole world know that.
Iranian are not going to back off this time, many will be killed in the next few days. They need your help or at least a sign.
I know you are following this big event as it develops; some of us have been waiting for this for the last 30 years so, please no deals with these thieves.

Thank you
An American with an Iranian heart

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Democracy my ASS

For months now I have been having a battle with my brothers and sisters about the Iranian election, which “sort of” happened yesterday. As a self exiled Iranian, I was against this Islamic Revolution from day one. I always thought that “Islamic Democracy” was an oxymoron. How could you have a Democracy when the majority of your population (women) don't have equal rights? This year, however, I became hopeful when I saw how Iranian youth were getting involved with election and campaigning for a Reformer. Their excitement killed my logic and thus, I got involved. I still believe that Islamic Democracy is an oxymoron, but I was feeling hopeful that maybe Iran could start taking baby steps towards a REAL Democracy.My sister laughed at me because I guess she knew better than that. She kept telling me "the only vote that matters is Khamenei’s vote" Khamenei is the Big Dictator who replaced the other dictator Khomeini after he went to hell. Back to the election (or should I say “selection”). Millions of Iranians went to polls yesterday and voted against and/or for Dictatorship. Even before the votes were counted, Khamenei urged people to unite behind President Ahmadinejad thus, sendinga clear message as to what he desires. What are the officials to do now? Well, you do what your Dictator tells you to do. Iranians now have two choices: They can either shut up and go back to their homes like sheep while drinking their illegal alcohol and try to dream of a democracy until the alcohol wears off then face the reality and go to their Friday prayer so they could show what a devoted Muslims they are. They can tell more jokes about Ahmadinejad and watch the whole world laugh at their great country and them. Yes, we will laugh at you for what you are if you go back to your stables and wait for your free POTATOES to arrive from Ahmadinejad’s office.Their other choice is to do what Mr. Mousavi says to do, "Resist this rigged election". He is right, but I am going one step further and asking you to resist this Oxymoron and uproot this Dictatorship. History has shown us that the tree of freedom only grows from the blood of the people wanting a democracy. As for me, I don't know if I was right or wrong but I think I was wrong in attacking Ahmadinejad because what I should have done was to put the axe to the root of this Dictatorship, Khamenei, which I shall do from now on.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Foreign bank accounts of Iranian leaders

This was re- posted on
Interesting, although I am not sure if it’s true.Supposedly in August Bank employees in Iran sent this partial list outside f the country, if it’s true, it’s sad that our people don’t have safe water or enough food and the oil money is being hoarded by these supposed men of Islam....What do u guys think??On August 2000, a group of Iranian banks employees revealed the financial frauds of most Islamic republic's regime leaders and published part of their assets in foreign banks. Based on this report sent to outside Iran, which made start indirectly a series of Public statements printed in many Iranian and Foreign Newspapers, Millions of dollars of Public funds have been transferred during the last 15 years while the Islamic leader (on this list) is asking for an investigation on Official corruption and his regime for more loans to supposedly help the Iranian economy. Already and based on a scandal which shook the regime in 1997, Morteza Rafighdoost, brother of Mohsen Rafighdoost head of the Janbazan Foundation was indicted in connection with a Financial fraud of over 100 BILLIONS of Tomans (3 BILLIONS of US Dollars in official exchange rate and as most malversations were done based on Official rates which is a privilege of Governmental foundations). Irony is that Mohsen Rafighdoost still at the head of the Foundation nowadays. The partial list was as follow:

1) Ali Khamenei - Sparkasse Bank (Frankfurt/Germany) Acct.# 234075617: DM 112.1 Millions- Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct. # 217824: US$ 97 Millions - Banque Cantonale (Lausanne/CH) Acct. # 71713: US$ 73.2 Millions

2) Ali Akbar Hashemi Rasfandjani- Union Bank Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 223870390: SF 532.5 Millions- Societe Generale (Zurich/CH) Acct.# 30064183: DM 477.2 Millions- Sparkasse (Ciborg/Germany) Acct. # 2957132: DM 238.2 Millions

3) Mohammad Ali Tasskhiri- Societe Generale (Geneve/Ch) Acct.# 500032654: DM 280.7 Millions- Midland Bank (London/UK) Acct.# 832-150270: BP 12.2 Millions- Dressdner bank (Dusserdolf/Germany) Acct.# 8354783: DM 48.3 Millions

4 ) Mohammad Golpayegani- Credit Bank Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.# CEO7680: SF 85.7 Millions

5) Bijan Namdar Zangene - Union Bank Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 314380320: US$ 141.7 Millions

6) Habibollah Asgar Aladi- Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct. # 3983BHK: US$ 180 Millions

7) Ahmad Jannati- Midland Bank (London/UK) Acct.# 92114016: BP 54.2 Millions

8) Abdollah Nategh Nouri- Union Banque Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 2102120321ND: USD 123.9 Millions- Deutsh bank (Hamburg/Germany) Acct.# 03223486: DM 64.1 Millions

9) Mohsen Rafighdoost:- Union Banque Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 2183130687: USD 122.7 Millions

10) Mohsen Hashemi Bahremani- Deutsh bank (Munchen 3/Germany) Acct.# 1732736: DM 370.7 Millions- Credit Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 928530FC: USD 178.2 Millions

11) Abbas Vaez-Tabassi- Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.# FAH7272: SF 97.2 Millions - Sparkasse (Hamburg/Germany) Acct #. DFH72251660: USD 216.7 Millions

12) Hossein Shariatmadari- Midland Bank (London/UK) Acct.# 34414011: BP 37.8 Millions

13) Mohsen Rezai- Union Banque Suisse (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 442760430: USD 78.2 Millions- Credit Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.# FAH7967: SF 52.7 Millions

14) Massood Movahedian- Commerz Bank (Koln/Germany) Acct.# 3528817: DM 287.8 Millions

15) Kamal Kharrazi- Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.# AMF4567: USD 18.2 Millions

16) Ali-Reza Mo-ayeri- Societe Generale (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 50024814: USD12.6 Millions

17) Hossein Kordi- Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.#14710025: USD 14.7 Millions

18) Abbas-Ali Forooghi- Corner Bank (Geneve/CH) Acct.# 12930034: USD 10.7 Millions

19) Mohammad Hashemi Bahremani- Deutsh Bank (Munich 3/Germany) Acct.# 1734726: DM 177.2 Millions

Friday, May 29, 2009

I was about to write a new post when I saw this comment on one of Iranian online newspapers. The link to the story is:

This morning as usual I was reading articles and posting my comments when I run into this comment and I really liked it. Unfortunately for those of you who can't read Farsi this post of mine won't make sense but because Iranian election is about 14 days away I decided to go Real Persian and post the comment in Farsi and hope that my Farsi speaking followers especially those in Iran enjoy it.

علیرضا123 - المان - مونيخ

از عمل تا حرف ، از موسوی تا دوستاناز عمل تاحرف
چرا همهٔ کسانی‌ که جونشونو برای ایران دادن ، کسانی‌ که برای ایران به راستی‌ کاری کردن ( جدا از حرف زدن، که همگی‌ توش استاد هستیم ) ، و عشق شون رو نشان دادن به ایران ، و باز مانده‌هاشون، همگی‌ از موسوی حمایت میکنن ؟
چرا همشون برخلاف ۴ ساله پیش ، محکم ایستادند و میگن که رای بدهید ؟ چرا بزرگانی که ۴ ساله پیش میگفتند که ری ندهید، امروز سوکوت اختیار کردن ، و دیگه از آن شعار‌های رای ندادنشون خبری نیست ؟
و یا با صراحت میگن که ری بدین ؟
این مقاله مقالهٔ زیبائی ، از یک دختر شهید ، کسی‌ که پدرشو به خاطره ایران از دست داده ، کسی‌ که کاری واقعی‌ برای ایران کرده به جای نشستن در گوشی و حرف زدن !پدر خود من ، در ارتش بود و جنگید برای ایران ، از زمان شاه تا ساله ۶۹، توی هوانیروز ، آونهم همیشه از موسوی با احترام یاد می‌کنه .
چرا بیشتر کسانی‌ که میگویند رای ندهید، کسانی‌ هستند که خارج از ایران زندگی‌ میکنند و در واقع فاجعهٔ احمدی نژاد رو نچشیدند ؟ و در واقع فرق احمدی‌نژاد و خاتمیو نباید هم بفهمند ، چون در ایران نبودند .
:این مقدمه ی بود برای حرفهای زیبای دختر شهید
دو ساله بودم جنگ شروع شد.
برادر بزرگم از همان ابتدای جنگ وارد جبهه شد. دایی‌ها هم همینطور. خاطره‌ی چندانی از آنها ندارم، جز یک ساک سبز ارتشی محتوی یک دفترچه یادداشت و وصیت‌نامه و .. اما خوب یادم هست روزهای رفت و آمد مادرم را به ستاد معراج شهدا برای دیدن فیلم اسیرهای ایران در عراق برای دیدن یک تصویر، فقط یک تصویر که ببینند داریوش دارد زنده راه می‌رود.و عاقبت مامان دیده بود او
را لابلای اسرای دیگر که دست‌ش را به خاطر جراحت آویزان گردن‌ش کرده بودند و با سری خم شده به زمین آرام قدم برمی‌داشت. همین برای ما و همسایه‌ها کافی بود تا جشن کوچکی بگیریم ا؛ حسین آقا که راننده‌ی شرکت واحد بود و حسین واحدی صدای‌ش می‌زدند و شب ها وقتی مست می‌کرد توی تراس بلند بلند عزیز آقا را صدا می زد و آن یکی همسایه‌مان عزیز آقا که راننده‌ی ماشین سنگین بود، جواب‌ش را به عربده می داد. . حسین آقا و عزیز آقا و باقی همسایه‌ها بودند که بگویند خوشحال‌ند که داریوش در تصویر زنده دیده شده! روز آزادسازی اسرای ایرانی در عراق رو به یاد دارم که همین حسین آقا پخش صوت آورده بود توی کوچه و سرود پخش می‌کرد و شیرینی می‌داد. یا عزیز آقا را که با خوشحالی زنگ همه را زده بود و گفته بود اتوبوس حامل اسرای آزاد شده از بلوار نزدیک ما رد می‌شه و همه را کشیده بود سر کوچه و شادی می‌کرد و شاد می‌کرد. سیزده سال بعد من دبیرستانی بودم و یاد دارم روزی که ما فهمیدیم پیکر داریوش را آوردند که شامل چند تکه استخوان پوسیده بود و در لفاف پارچه آن‌قدر پیچانده بودند تا هیبت جسد آدمیزاد به خودش بگیرد، یاد دارم چه‌طور اهالی کوچه مثل حسین آقا و عزیز آقا و آقا اسی و خانواده‌ی رضا زاده و پازوکی و ... کوچه را کردند مثل گُل و تا کی ایستاده بودند تا آمبولانس بیاید.امثال داریوش و دایی من کم نبودند. جهان آرا و همت و باکری و زین‌الدین هم در جنگ فراوان داشتیم. داشته‌اند این‌ها هم همسایگان و هم شهری‌هایی که آن روزها فارغ از دسته‌بندی های سیاسی برای آمدن‌شان خوشحال باشند و برای نیامد‌شان اشک بریزند. جنگ مال همان حسین آقا و عزیز آقایی بود که لحظه لحظه‌ش را زندگی کردند اگرچه جانماز آب نمی‌کشیدند و دنبال صف کسی سینه نزدند. حال‌م بد می‌شه وقتی می‌بینم فلان مسئول توی فلان لابی "محفل انس با شهدا" راه می‌ندازه و از خون هزار هزار جوون نوبالغ واسه خودش اعتبار جمع می‌کنه و اخلاص آدمای از جون گذشته رو پای خودش می‌نویسه. حال‌م بد می‌شه از جماعتِ رنگِ خاکریز ندیده‌ای که توی محافل به ظاهر بی‌ریا امتیاز می‌گیره و بارشو می‌بنده و خون دل هشت ساله‌ی یک ملت رو به نام یک نفر می‌ریزه توی صندوق رای و اعتبارش هم از خون جهان آرا و همت و باکری و رستگار و ...خرج می‌کنه که اگر بودند به یقین جایی برای بازی‌های پشت و روی پرده‌ی امثال منصور ارزی و الله کرم و چماق و بعد دوربین به دست گرفتن ده نمکی وجود نداشت. چهره‌‌ی جناب ده نمکی از ذهن ما و امثال ما که سایه‌ی چماق ایشون و یاران شون رو هجده تیر روی فرق سر احساس کردیم حالا حالاها پاک نمی‌شه، فرض محال تو بگو فردا و فرداها دست به دوربین رشد کنه و فیلم بسازه و پاپیون بزنه و روی ردکارپت قدم بزنه و اسکار بگیره! توی این سی سال کم ندیدم حضراتی که آمدند و رفتند و بیخ گلوی ملت را فشار دادند که های دفاع مقدس و جنگ و شهید فهمیده و ... کم ندیدم آن‌هایی که رنگ ترکش ندیده از صدقه سر دیگران پست گرفتند و پیش دوربین سر مزار چمران گل گذاشتند و پشت دوربین جانانه به همین ملت خندیدند. کم ندیدم فرزند شهیدی که یادشان رفت آدم است چون فریاد "زنده‌ باد"ِ بی‌خودی حواله‌ی کسی نکرد. حالا اما وقتی می‌بینم خانواده ی جهان آرا و همت و باکری و رجایی پشت میرحسین می‌شوند عینک سوءظن‌م را برمی‌دارم. چون ندیدم توی این سی سال با شامِ هتل آزادی و میتینگ‌های بی‌مورد شو آف کرده باشد که اگر می خواست همان سال‌ها می کرد. خاطره‌ی هشت سال جنگ برای من که آن وقت‌ها کودک بودم و توی کوچه با محسن و مصطفی تفنگ بازی می‌کردم توی ذهن من و یک عالمه آدم دیگر رسوب کرده. با هیچ چیز نمی شود تخریب‌ش کرد. خاطره‌ی وقتی که جنگ بود، جوان بود که فله فله به سمت مرگ می رفت، بمب بود که می‌ریخت روی سقف ها، خرم‌شهر بود که خونین‌شهر می‌شد، قلک کمک به جنگ بود که توی مدرسه پخش می‌شد، ... خاطره‌ی وقتی که جنگ بود و نخست وزیرش استان به استان پول نفت صدقه نمی داد، برای پاسخ به نامه‌ی کسی پول حواله نمی‌کرد. سیب‌زمینی سرمایه‌ی سیاسی نبود، پرتقال جهرم و شهسوار روی شاخه ها نمی‌گندید، سپاه تمام زمین‌های شمال اتوبان بابایی و عباس آباد تهران را مصادره نمی‌کرد، داریوش و داریوش‌ها برای کم شدن خدمت، بسیجی نمی شدند، تلویزیون مدام سفرها و میتینگ‌های نخست وزیر را پخش نمی‌کرد. بودجه‌ کسری میلیاردی نداشت، چند میلیون مترمکعب گاز ناپدید نمی‌شد، رسانه ملی بود هرچند سهم ما فقط کارتون‌های در جستجوی مادر بود و اخبار استان ها و شهرستان‌ها و آژیر قرمز و سفید. کابینه داشتیم اما وزیرش مدرک جعل نمی‌کرد و بعدش رییس کابینه‌ش بُراق نمی‌شد به دفاع از داستانی که از بیخ دروغ بوده. خلاصه که سهم ما بود، کم هم بود، اما چیزی نبود که کسی لای لفاف اسلام و شهدا به خورد خودی‌ها بدهد. خلاصه که آن‌ روزها رفتند، میرحسین اما مال همان روزهاست. مال همان وقت های خوشی به وقت ناخوشی. مال همان وقت‌های پیکرهای بی‌جان و سنگرهای فروریخته و مردمِ سنگر گرفته توی پناه‌گا‌ه‌های زیرزمینی. یاد ندارم هی جبهه رفته باشد و پشت خط مقدم –جایی که از خون و گلوله خبری نبود – با لباس نظامی کلاش دست گرفته باشد و عکس گرفته باشد برای روزهای مبادا! رییس جمهور ایده‌آل من شاید نه میرحسین باشد نه کروبی اماشاید برای همان وقت هاست، شاید برای داریوش و داریوش هاست، شاید برای احترام به ملتی‌ست که هشت سال گمنام و بی امتیاز جنگید و دم نزد، شاید برای احترام به همان دوران بی‌شکاف طبقاتی ست که من رای‌م را به نام میرحسین توی صندوق می‌ریزم.+ نوشته شده در ۱۱:٠٤ ‎ق.ظ توسط آزاده رحیمی
جمعه 8 خرداد 1388

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Persian Soup

There’s a Persian soup called "Aasheh Sholeh Ghalam Kar". To make this soup/Aash you put whatever you have in a heavy pot, fill it up with water,add spices and herbs, leave it on low heat, and hope that the final result will end in something delicious. Aasheh Sholeh Ghalam Kar is also a phrase Iranians use when things are all messed up, such as 2009 IranianPresidential Election.
The Chef, Ali Khamenei (Iran’s Supreme Leader) has 12 Prep Cooks called The Guardian Counsel. These Prep Cooks are supposed to go through more than 1000 of the registered volunteers (ingredients) and thin out "The Bad Ones" within 4 days (May 5th to May 9th). You could be "thinned out" if you are a woman or if they think you don't know enough about Islam or if you like Real Democracy. So, these 12 Prep cooks are supposed to check each volunteer's background and knowledge about Islam and Islamic laws in 4 days. After they picked “the Right” Ingredients (the candidates) they present them to the Chef Khamenei for final approval. Sometimes the Chef adds orsubtracts a few ingredients (depending on his mood that day). One day he may want a hot and spicy Aash so he adds a Reformer candidate.After Khamenei’s approval of ingredients, they all go into one big pot of water where they are stirred for about 20 days. While these Prep Cooks are stirring the pot, the Chef will keep tasting the Aash to make sure its final taste is to his liking. He makes comments and suggestions which will be obeyed by his kitchen staff (the government) without questioning. Then, they let the Aash settle for two days and Voila! Now you have your first serving of the day (the election).
In the past, the Chef always knew the outcome of this Aasheh Sholeh Galam Kar but this year he is not so certain. His 2004 Aash (Ahmadinejad) didn't sit right with Iranians for it gave them some gas and discomfort. For this reason, they are looking for a different Aash and Khamenei’s reputation as a Chef is now damaged.So, we must wait and see what Khamenei and his Prep Cooks are going to present to the Iranian people as their new Aasheh Sholeh Ghalam Kar. Will the Iranian people go to the polls with their soup bowls to get some of Khomeini's Aash of 2009? We’ll see. It depends how hungry they are for change.
I just hope their appetites haven’t been ruined already.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sara Palin of Iran?

This coming June, Iran is going to hold its Presidential Election. Thus far, the front runner for the Reformer (Democratic) Party is a guy named Mir Hossein Mousavi. Mousavi is running against the current Iranian President, Mahmood Ahmadinejad, who is also the candidate for the Conservative (Republican) Party. Everything was going according to plan, but then, all of a sudden, a woman by the name of Fatemeh Rajabi (the “Sara Palin of Iran”) rose to the surface along with her false and ignorant accusations toward Mousavi. One of the obvious reasons for Rajabi’s unjust uprising was that Mousavi's approval rating was much higher than Ahmadinejad. Sound familiar?
So, let’s look at some of the accusations that were made by Sara Palin against Obama during the 2008 US Presidential Election and compare them to Ahmadinejad’s campaign strategy. The strategy of let’s muddy the water with Fatemeh Rajabi's comments about Mousavi:

Sara Palin: Obama pals around with terrorists.

Fatemeh Rajabi: Mousavi pals around with Israel and CIA.

Sara Palin: Obama's mentor/pastor hates America.

Fatemeh Rajabi: Mousavi hasn't participated in Friday's prayer for the past20 years.

These are just a couple of the strikingly similar comments that these ladies have made. Strangely enough, there are also a few similarities between Sara and Fatemeh’s family history:
Sara Palin's son ran away from his evil mom and went to Iraq.

Fatimah's son ran to Moscow to get trained by the infidels.

Sara Palin's “First Dude” is a good looking hunk.

Fatemeh's husband is also good looking (but very short).

Sara Palin's daughter dropped out of high school and got pregnant by another high school dropout.

Fatemeh doesn't have a daughter, but if she did, she’d probably be pregnant by now too….with her third child by a very rich old man with few wives.

There are also some differences between Fatemeh and Sara. Unlike Sara Palin's high cost of “show and tell” by Republicans, such as a $200,000 shopping spree and a $22,000/week hair and makeup allowance, Fatemeh only needs a Black Chador (or maybe two Black Chadors so she can wear one while washing the other). Also, Sara Palin is considered a good looking and attractive woman but all we notice about Fatemeh's beauty is her big nose sticking out of her Black Chador. So, is Fatemeh Rajabi Ahmadinejad's Sara Palin?
I sure hope so.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

An Iranian hero in exile

A couple days ago I went to one of my favorite Iranian online newspaper named Rooz and saw an article named “Mr. Khamenei and His Cell-mates”.
This was a letter written by one of Mullah Khamenei (Current Iranian Supreme leader) cellmate while in jail during the Shah’s regime.
I have to admit that I got very emotional reading this letter, to the point that I had to stop a couple of times and walk away from my computer. But, my curiosity forced me to finish reading his letter. I was not in Iran during the 1979 revolution but thanks to my father, uncles and brothers, I grew up in a very open minded environment. I read many of the books which the Shah’s Savak service had called “revolutionary”. I followed the Golsorkhi and Daneshian cases and court trial but did not share their ideals. Few of my class mates tried to give me Khomeini’s cassettes to listen to and I laughed at them. You see, all I wanted was a real democracy for my country where I could freely write whatever I wanted in my essays at school and buy and read the books I liked. I wanted Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Press.
So reading Mr. Assadi’s letter to his cellmate gave me another prospective of those like him, who were involved with “the other side”. The side that dreamed of an Islamic Democratic country. To this day I cannot believe how Iranian people really thought they can marry Democracy and Islam together and watch them live happily ever after.
In an e-mail to Mr. Assadi I asked his permission to insert his letter to my blog and to my surprise this gracious hero replied to me and gave me his permission. So here it is, his letter to his cellmate and friend, current Supreme Leader of Iran Khamenei.

Mr. Khamenei and His Cell-mates
Hushang Assadi

- 2009.02.23

Mr. Khamenei, I close my eyes as you and I together enter the corridors of the Komiteh ‎Moshtarak prison in Tehran. These days you go around with your Velayate Faghih (a ‎Shite jurisprudent who is also the head of state) garment and there is an entourage ‎following you. But I, like thirty and something years ago, come along with nothing but ‎my dreams of freedom.‎
Do you remember the days when you and I together were prisoners in the Shah’s prison ‎and stayed in the same prison cell.? Contrary to those days, today I am exiled by you. ‎You are the Velayate Faghih leader while I am outcast and driven from my home ‎country. Do you know what your agents eventually told me? “You are a foreigner here. ‎Get lost,” they said. Can you believe it that they told me I was a foreigner in my own ‎country? So I am an outsider, an outcast. But on your visit to the same prison you, as the ‎leader of the insiders of the current regime, are now gradually approaching the very same ‎cell that we shared together in those days. You need to know that someone has recorded ‎your sayings word by word and has put them on a website. I will read the writing and will ‎accompany you through the prison visit.‎
You spoke about going to the bathhouse. Do you remember how the four of us, ie you, ‎me, Ali and Sasan, washed ourselves with cloth-washing soaps? You seemed ashamed. ‎Still we laughed so much. How happy we were in that atmosphere of darkness and ‎duress, even though we were humiliated. We were beaten up. They would pull your hair. ‎Sasan was almost dying of torture. What sparkle your eyes displayed when you used to ‎put food into my mouth – that “communist” - with your own hands! ‎
I have written all of these things, in my memoirs. But I will be honest with you: I am ‎afraid to publish the memoir because of your agents who may harm me in my age and in ‎this foreign country.‎
Yes, Mr. Khamenei, I remember you crying and reading the Quran while I, a young ‎innocent man, sat on my feet dreaming of the days when freedom would arrive. Freedom ‎for you to read your Quran and prayers, and for me to read Sholokhov, Foroogh, and ‎Shamloo, as we all worked to rebuild Iran. You would focus on preparing people for their ‎life in the after-life, while we would help them in their life in this mortal life. ‎
As we walk down the wards, a shriek fills the air coming from the torture chamber and ‎we both become silent. You must still remember those shrieks, as you have said so and ‎someone has written about them. It is so good that you have not forgotten the cell, the ‎tortures and the shrieks. You have even mentioned the name of your interrogator.‎
In fact all the cellmates of those days have survived and live today.‎
Years later you became president of Iran but I was sent to prison again. The interrogators ‎this time were a different group. They were called “brothers” this time and replaced the ‎previous ones. How strange it is, Mr. Khamenei. This time Alireza and I had the same ‎interrogator. His name was “Brother Hamid”. Actually you know him very well. I am ‎talking about Mr. Nasser Sarmadi Parsa. I heard that you screamed at him when he was ‎the prison warden for the ward where the infamous “serial murderers” were kept, which ‎triggered a heart attack onto him. Yet, I pitied him, even more. This is ironic that at one ‎time people were tortured to gain power while at another time heart attacks were ‎experienced confronting the same authority. But as you have said, believers have to fear ‎what happens in the after world.‎
Yes Mr. Khamenei, you screamed at someone who had tortured me for three full months ‎when I was behind bars. He forced me to eat my own excretes. In all honesty, the ‎interrogators in the first prison did not do these things. Did they? But “Brother Hamid” ‎did these very things to Alireza Akbari. My will to live kept me from dying, but Alireza ‎was not so fortunate and was executed. His crime? That is clear: According to you we ‎were all spies by nature. According to you we all planned to topple the regime, we were ‎sexually amoral, etc.‎
The ironic part Mr. Khamenei is that Alireza and I both defended “the Glorious Islamic ‎Revolution” based on the political line of the movement to which we belonged. And we ‎defended it wholeheartedly. As did Rahman Hatafi. Yes, that young green-eyed, brown-‎haired man who you must remember because he and I came to your house in 1977 which ‎was located on Fereiduni Street in Mashhad. That was a very simple and divine house. ‎You only had one servant who later became your poet. You and Rahman talked with each ‎other for four hours. When parting time came, you held my hand at the door and softly ‎said, “What a wonderful and educated young man he is, but what a shame he is a ‎communist.”‎
You know that that educated young man not only defended the revolution till his last ‎breath, but even theorized this defense for others. But what fate he had into falling in the ‎hands of “Brother Hamid.” He and “Brother Mojtaba” together gave Rahman such hell ‎that he cut into his own face with his nails and then bit cut his own veins. ‎
Yes, Mr. Khamenei, as poet Shamloo – whom you never liked - has said, “Strange ‎Times” have dawned. You were the president then and I was in a cell adjacent to the one ‎you and I shared during our prison days under the Shah.‎
So you continue your visit to the “Museum of Learning”, as Komite Moshtarak prison is ‎known today. Next to my prison cell was Behazin’s cell. Behind the window they had ‎thrown the lifeless body of Rahman Hatafi. Neither I, nor Behazin, nor Rahman, nor ‎Alireza had committed any crime except a holding opinions that were different from ‎those of your government. That is all there was. Nevertheless, three of these individuals ‎are no loner living and I have been thrown out of my own country, my own home. ‎
As you continue to visit the “Museum of Learning” you pass by the statue of ‎Manouchehri and Ghandi. You see a prisoner effigy being whipped, the head of another ‎one held under water, and looking next you remember that someone was hanging from ‎the bars there. ‎
You see these images and displays and shake your head in misfortune as you walk by. It ‎is a shame that there is no one to ask what was going on there between 1979 and 2001 ‎when Komiteh Moshtarak gave way to the Museum of Learning.‎
You should ask after brothers Hamid, Mojtaba, Mahmud, Rahim and the others. Perhaps ‎someone will tell you that through their behavior these “brothers” made SAVAK look ‎good. Perhaps they will tell you that the shrieks that used to come from the torture ‎chambers during the Shah’s days had grown louder and louder in later years.‎
It is interesting that all your prison cellmates who opposed the Shah have survived and ‎are alive today. But from amongst those in the prison of the Islamic Republic, only you ‎and I survive. And my survival is per chance. If I had not left the country in time they ‎would have done me too. Brother Saeed Mortezavi who people say is your favorite judge ‎told me himself: “We should not have had merci on you to let you live. And it is still not ‎too late for that.”‎
Mr. Khamenei! You know the people that I have named in this piece. And these are just ‎the first names in a long never ending list some of whose names you know and others you ‎don’t. Thousands of them have been executed, have spent long years in prison, have been ‎forced to leave their country, are jobless, are in self-imposed exile at home, and are ‎mostly among the best children of Iran.‎
I take the very God that I have seen you worship as witness and ask: when you used to ‎cry in the prison cells of Komiteh Moshtarak prison so that SAVAK interrogators would ‎leave did you want them to be replaced with brothers Hamid, Mojtaba, Rahim etc? Did ‎you just want the call of azan (call to prayers) to be heard at the Komite Moshtarak prison ‎and a change in the torture shrieks? Did you just want the acts of torture to change merely ‎change names from torture to taazir (the Islamic term for physical punishment including ‎torture)? Are these the changes that you wanted?‎
And do you really believe that by changing the name of Komite Moshtarak to Towhid ‎after 20 years of its existence, and then to Ward 3000 of Evin, and finally to the Museum ‎of Learning, these issues would evaporate or be solved?‎
Continuing your visit of the prison and as you leave Komite Moshtarak, I go and sit in the ‎very prison cell that we occupied together. I close my wet eyes. I close them to this bitter ‎world. The guard locks the door. You go to resolve the issues of the world but I really ‎wish for you to come back, and for Ali and Sasan to return as well. I wish the four of us ‎could again sit together for a meal and launch a new goal.‎
Leaving the prison, you are now at your command center. You enjoy your lunch, begin to ‎pray and forget Komite Moshtarak prison and the Museum of Learning. But I still sit in ‎the same prison cell and cry for ever. Yes, I will cry until freedom finds its wings in my ‎country, until the rule of law rules, power is not monopolized by anyone, and no one is ‎estranged or outcast from his home-country.‎

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Hijacker of Iranian Revolution

These last few days I was trying to write down my feelings about the 30th anniversary of the Iranian revolution. The revolution that the Mullahs and their so called Imam Khomeini hijacked from the real Iranian heroes such as Dr. Mosadegh and Dr. Barzangan. But instead I decided to introduce the real Khomeini to my readers. Since I have a real bias against Khomeini and don’t want to be called a liar or a spinner, I am going to introduce this Mullah using his own words. I also would like to apologize to Mullah Khomeini’s children and grand children for bringing up their father and grandfather words because as I know they have been trying very hard to hide his books and quotes. As a matter of fact few of Mullah Khomeini’s books are banned in Iran and other Islamic countries. I did try to order them through my local library but the librarian told me I should try to find it in an “Adult only” book store. I finally got a couple of his books and here are few citations from Khomeini himself. Some Iranians call this Mullah, Imam Khomeini. As far as I know the title “Imam” is given to kind and intelligent clergies such as Imam Ali or Imam Hussein. So after reading Mullah Khomeini’s own words it is up to you to give him the title “Imam” or not.

Khomeini’s own words:

“A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.” From Khomeini’s book, Tahrirolyasyleh.
If a man sodomizes the son, brother, or father of his wife after their marriage, the marriage remains valid.
If a father (or paternal grandfather) marries off his daughter (or granddaughter) in her absence without knowing for a certainty that she is alive, the marriage becomes null and void as soon as it is established that she was dead at the time of the marriage.

It is highly recommended that a girl be married off as soon as she reaches the age of puberty. One of the blessings of man is to have his daughter experience her first period not in her father's house, but in that of her husband

During the time a woman is menstruating, it is preferable for a man to avoid coitus, even if it does not involve full penetration – that is, as far as the circumcision ring – and even if it does not involve ejaculation. It is also highly inadvisable for him to sodomize her during this time.

If the number of days of the woman’s menstrual period is divided by three, a husband who has intercourse with her during the first two days must pay the equivalent of 18 nokhods [about 3 grams or 0.1 ounces] of gold to the poor; if he has it on the third or fourth days, the equivalent of 9 nokhods; and if he has it during the last two days, the equivalent of 4.5 nokhods.

Sodomizing a menstruating woman does not require such payment.

If a man repudiates his wife without informing her of it, and continues to meet her expenses for a period of, say, a year, and at the end of that time informs her that he got a divorce a year earlier and shows her proof of it, he may require that she return to him anything he has bought or given her during that time, provided that she has not used it up or consumed it, in which case he cannot demand its return.

Now that I entertained you with some porn let’s take a look at some of other Khomeini’s quotes from before and after 1979 revolution. Keep in mind that in Islam just like any other religions lying is a huge sin and liars burn in Hell.

Khomeini’s own words on Governing before revolution:

"Personal desire, age, and my health do not allow me to personally have a role in running the country after the fall of the current system." -- Interview with the Associated Press, Paris, November 7, 1978

"In Islamic Iran the clergy themselves will not govern but only observe and support the government's leaders. The government of the country at all levels will be observed, evaluated, and publicly criticized." -- Interview with Reuters news agency, Paris, October 26, 1978

Khomeini’s own words on Governing after revolution:

"This nation exists and clerics exist too. You all must know that in every place in this country only clerics can get the job done. Don't show so much prejudice that you want to put the clerics aside. What have you done for your country in all these years that now you're saying clerics should not be in charge? Appreciate these clerics. You do not understand correctly! If you put this group aside, no name or sign of Islam will remain. Imagine one cleric has done something wrong somewhere. Why can you do something wrong and some cleric cannot do anything wrong?" -- In a meeting with the Islamic Parliament, Jamaran (2), Tehran, May 27, 1981

Khomeini’s own words on Freedom of press and Expression before revolution:

"The Islamic regime does not have oppression." -- Interview with France Press news agency, Paris, October 25, 1978

"The foundation of our Islamic government is based on freedom of dialogue and will fight against any kind of censorship." -- Interview with Reuters news agency, Paris, October 26, 1978

"In Iran's Islamic government the media have the freedom to express all Iran's realities and events, and people have the freedom to form any form of political parties and gatherings that they like." Interview with the Italian newspaper Paese Sera, Paris, November 2, 1978
"Our future society will be a free society, and all the elements of oppression, cruelty, and force will be destroyed." -- Interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel, Paris, November 7, 1978
"In Iran's future Islamic system everyone can express their opinion and the Islamic government will respond to logic with logic." -- Interview with international reporters, Paris, November 9, 1978

Khomeini’s own words on Freedom of press and Expression after revolution:

"Don't listen to those who speak of democracy. They all are against Islam. They want to take the nation away from its mission. We will break all the poison pens of those who speak of nationalism, democracy, and such things." -- In a meeting with Iranian students and educators, Qom (3), March 13, 1979

"Those who create political fronts must stop their activities. If from the beginning, as in other revolutions in the world, several thousand of these corrupt individuals had been burned and beheaded till the issues were finished, problems would have been solved. We will allow one or more parties to operate if they operate correctly. But we announce that the rest are forbidden. We will no longer allow the same freedom that we used to give, and we cannot allow these parties to continue their activities. According to religious law, we can't give them a grace period. Canonically, it is not correct to give a grace period. We made mistakes when we gave freedom; we can't treat these wild animals gently. We will no longer allow any of their writings to be distributed in the country. We will destroy all their writings. We have to deal with them harshly, and we will deal with them harshly. -- In a meeting with selected Members of Congress, Qom, August 18, 1979

Khomeini’s own words on Women Rights before revolution:

"These words that you have heard regarding women in the future Islamic government are all hostile propaganda. In the Islamic Republic women have complete freedom, in their education, in everything that they do, just as men are free in everything." -- Interview with German reporters, Paris, November 12, 1978

"Women are free in the Islamic Republic in the selection of their activities and their future and their clothing." -- Interview with The Guardian newspaper, Paris, November 6, 1978.

Khomeini’s own words on Women Rights after revolution:

I couldn’t find any of Khomeini’s own words on Women Rights after revolution but just looking at what is happening to these brave women and a close examination of Iran Constitution laws will give you an in-depth understanding of what Khomeini and his gang think of Iranian women and their rights and freedom.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dear Madam Secretary,

Thank you for accepting this important task. We all know you didn’t need this job or all the troubles that came with it. You accepted this responsibility out of unselfishness and your ongoing commitment toward worldpeace.
As the world is celebrating a new era for the United States, and as a new ray of hope spreads all over America, I am so glad to have someone like you as our country's top diplomat. The world needs you and your expertise and your commitment to reverse what we all endured in the last eight years. Madam Secretary, let me be a little selfish and urge you to please place your focus on Women Rights issues in other countries as you once so bravely did when you were the First Lady. I still remember the Chinese officials' reaction when you gave your famous speech during your trip to China. You were right when you famously said: "It is time for us to say here in Beijing, and the world to hear, that it is no longer acceptable to discuss women's rights as separate from human rights,"
I want to be even more selfish and ask you to please pay a little extra attention to Iranian women and what they are enduring under this Unelected Mullah Dictatorship. As a woman, could you accept another woman’s death by stoning? As a woman, could you accept a forced marriage between a ten year old girl and an adult man? As a woman, could you stay quiet when another woman is being regarded as half of a human?
Today in Iran, women are jailed just for asking for equality in their society. Brave women such as Dr. Shirin Ebadi are constantly being harassed by these Unelected Mullahs and their thugs because they fight injustice in their society. Young ladies are being raped by their jailers before they get executed because in Islam it is forbidden to kill a virgin so these blood thirsty Mullahs and their thugs found a loophole to their problem while at the same time, adding insult to injury.
Dear Hilary, our eyes and hopes are on you and as we wish you a very successful tenor we also hope that you don’t forget us.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Israel, you lose again

More than two weeks ago when this new episode of Israel and Hamas started, I gave the benefit of doubt to the Israelis. Hamas continue firing of rockets toward Israeli border towns is unacceptable by any logical person and Israel had to defend her people. These past few days, however, all I keep seeing is the deliberate slaughter of Palestinian citizens by the Israel military.
The images of Palestinian kids lying by their dead mothers for four days while the Israel military prevented Red Cross from helping them, makes my blood boil. That image makes me think of the crying toddler during the Mumbai killing.
I don’t care what you stupid religious adults do to each other, but children should be kept out of your fight. You stupid Jews and ignorant Muslims can blow each other up until hell freezes over, but keep the kids out of it.
What is your objective in this new war? Are you going to repeat your fiasco during the 2006 war with Hezbollah?
No matter how many TV ads you play on American TV asking people to see what a rocket has done to a couple of your walls , the picture of bloody Palestinian children will win the “sympathy war” every time.
I guess the Israeli politicians and their American Neocon allies are again, taking us for fools. You were supposed to make this quick and clean, but you failed once again.
Your failure now will embolden not only Hamas, but also Hezbollah and Iranian radical Mullahs and their followers. You are creating more suicide bombers and more radical Islamism with each hour you continue this slaughter.
I am not smart enough to come up with a solution to this Jew/ Muslim fiasco, but if it were up to me, I would give a months’ notice to the both of you and then nuke Jerusalem and end all these nonsense killings in the name of God/Allah.
Maybe, when you have finally lost this round of foolishness, you and your American Neocons can come to the realization that a permanent solution is a must and the time for it is now. Maybe you will finally understand that Jimmy Carter was really your friend and not an anti-Semite. I just hope your latest act of stupidity doesn’t come at a high cost for the moderate world population.